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Rain gear. ‘Mostly’ items to be worn on the body to help keep you dry in rainy weather. Just as with survival clothing, you should be sure to have a decent variety of good quality rain gear. One of the worst things for well being during inclement rainy weather is to get wet, which can rapidly lead to hypothermia or other issues. If TSHTF, will you have all of the rain gear that you will need going forward?
The following is a simple list and a few reminders of various rain gear that you may wish to secure for yourself and the rest of your family if you have not done so already.
Raincoats. Rain coats are usually unpadded, but tend to be more fitted in style. Many raincoats include hoods to cover the head, but separate rain hats are also available.
Rain hats. A Southwestern, or “Southwester,” style of yellow synthetic rain hat is known for its large flap-like brim that fits over the ears. This type of rain gear is popular with fishermen and others, because it protects the head from both wind and rain. The snug fit over the ears, as well as the straps under the chin, helps keep the rain hat on in stormy weather. Other types of rain hats include bucket-shaped caps made from waxed cotton or synthetic materials.
Ponchos. A rain poncho is a piece of waterproof material with openings for the head and the arms and it drapes over the body. Some advantages of wearing a rain poncho are that it fits many sizes and can be worn over warm jackets or layers of sweaters.
Parkas. Unlike plastic rain coats, are usually padded Parkas are hooded jackets that offer warmth as well as rain protection. Some parkas have a removable fleece lining, so that the jacket can also be worn as an unpadded raincoat.
Rain pants. A raincoat will keep dry your upper half of the body, but don’t forget about your legs.
Rain boots are usually made of rubber or synthetics and are often unpadded. Since rain boots are a type of rain gear that isn’t usually well insulated, thick socks may be needed to keep feet warm and comfortable.
Umbrellas. Although they aren’t worn on the body, but rather are held above it, umbrellas could also be considered a type of rain gear as they help direct rain away from the body.
Tarps. They come in many sizes, colors, materials, strengths, and thickness, usually with grommets around the perimeter for easy attachment of lines.
Trench shovel. Use it for digging trenches around and away from objects like tents, or other things in the way of water runoff.
Goggles. If it’s pouring and wind-swept rain, wearing goggles will help your vision.
Remember this… a problem with wearing rain gear is that your body continues to sweat or give off moisture and the moisture will tend to condensate on the back side of the rain gear – which will eventually come back on to your skin. Dressing in layers will help, and purchasing rain gear that is designed to ‘breathe’ will help.
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