from feed/ Lynette
I just ran across this post of facebook from Frugally Sustainable and the post was about a free e-magazine called City Cottage.
The owners are founded in the UK but their subjects are close to most preppers hearts! Raising your own animals for food – I totally related to the author as she spoke about loading the pigs for the trip to the butcher. I hated the day when we loaded ours! It’s a catch 22 for me. I knew we were raising them for food but daily, they would run out when I fed them or watered them. They would… well, let’s not go down memory lane here.
Anyway, the magazine is free and this last issue is 56 pages full of very useful information such as gardening tips, sewing, woodworking, baking, wine making, caring for chickens, etc. I found a ton of great information inside and wanted to pass it along to you!
Their website is
from Modern Survival Blog - surviving hard timesby Ken
If you want to challenge yourself to the possibility that our mind is capable of seeing things beyond our reality, then you may be interested to watch the following video documentary which predicts (via ‘remote viewing’) a solar ‘killshot’ that will end it all, for many of us. Whether or not you are willing to let notions of remote-viewing or ‘esp’ into your consciousness, the scenario predicted within the video is a scientific possibility, one which we can do nothing to prevent. But, maybe, just maybe, we could do something to prepare for.
Disclaimer: We have no affiliation or promotional motivations in any way with the person or information contained within or related to the video. Instead, I found it fascinating, and given the author’s credentials and apparent authority I thought some of you may appreciate it. Maybe it will motivate you to reinforce your preparedness plans, maybe it will simply start you to thinking about the ‘what if’, or maybe you will think it’s a bunch of hot air.
The video ‘The Killshot’ by ‘Remote Viewing Products’, is in the public domain and is free for the viewing at their website (and others), while their DVD can also be had for free from their website ( and – which is why I believe it to be within our right to post it here while at the same time providing fair credit to the source. About Major Ed Dames:
Major Edward A. Dames, United States Army (ret.), is a decorated military intelligence officer and an original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program. He served as both training and operations officer for the U.S. government’s TOP SECRET psychic espionage unit (PSIINT). Major Dames has been awarded the Legion of Merit, and two Meritorious Service Medals. Major Dames retired from the U.S. Army in 1991 and began a full-time effort to advance remote viewing technology, and to create teams of professional civilian Remote Viewers to work on complex projects. He currently serves as executive director for the Matrix Intelligence Agency, a private consulting group. What he’s saying:
We’re not going to be hit by just one mega solar flare, but a series of them over time (perhaps over a 1-2 year period), “that’s going to turn Earth into a veritable X-ray & proton rotisserie,” he said. Locations in the southern hemisphere will have few survival zones, he said. If you aren’t in a safe haven, then living underground to avoid the high winds and dark skies, is your best option, he added. What others are saying:
The Killshot is truly frightening but Ed doesn’t use this video as a scare tactic. He seems to be very level headed about our world today and it’s easy to see how the writing is on the wall for upcoming disasters. The evidence in here showing some other RV predictions that have already come to pass truly can’t be denied.
The Killshot is an amazing documentary that shows the real side of Ed Dames and Remote Viewing. Why is it that so many people have a hard time believing that Remote Viewing is real? It was a top-secret military program for 20 years, was declassified and proven to work. What I’m saying: Regardless of whether or not ‘remote viewing’ is or may be ‘real’, the fact is that the sun is entirely capable of what is described in the documentary. In fact, the largest solar flare ever recorded (on modern day instruments), fired off the sun in November 2003. It missed us. Had it been aimed at the earth during that time, we would be living in a different world today. I’m extra aware of this phenomenon of the sun today, because we are nearing the peak of solar cycle 24 (end of 2012, early 2013), and anything could happen… Click here to view the embedded video.
from TEOTWAWKI Blogby TEOTWAWKI Blog / Alexander Wolf
Not the five--this certainly isn't all-encompassing--but five good ones I like to keep in mind.
1. Have someone to watch your back. Last I checked, you can't grow eyes in the back of your head and you eventually need to sleep or hit the head. Or patch you up when injured. Situational awareness is big, but you've got to have someone else who you can count on to watch your six and stick with you through hell and back. Those people are often few and far between, and those relationships should be valued and cared for.
2. Be prepared to walk away. Things go bad. Good situations can turn to crap in a heartbeat. Sometimes you can stand up and fight, but often times getting out of dodge is your best bet. You don't want to get stuck between the hammer and the anvil. You've got to be able to drop it all, grab and go at basically a moments notice. Have a plan and a way out of harm's way.
3. Focus on what matters first. You've got a finite amount of time/energy, so you need to work on the important stuff first. The stuff that matters the most should get your most attention and should get that attention the soonest. The other stuff can and should wait. This is a huge thing--it's all too easy to become distracted--but getting a handle on this is really important. Always good to take a moment to step back and think about the direction you're moving in.
4. Have a Plan B. Gear breaks and the best plans fail--Murphy's Law and all that. Backups keep you alive when things go south, whether it's redundant equipment, an alternate route or contingency plans B through Z. In a time-is-life situation, you're not going to have the precious time to sit there and troubleshoot or rethink what you're doing. You've got to be able to transition quickly and aggressively to a backup plan.
5. Capabilities trump gear. There's something to be said for having the right equipment, but a survivor's actual capabilities--skills and physical abilities--are what matters most. When things go bad--when there's stress, when there's pressure--then your capabilities are put to their test. If you're going to succeed, things will need to be near autopilot--don't count on having the time to think, fumble through and figure things out. You've got to be able to flip the switch and act, and that takes practice. Lots of it.
What are you thoughts? Agree, disagree? What other "rules" do you prep by?
from Stealth Survivalby (riverwalker)
The first stages of almost any type of crisis will be very chaotic. Chaos also breeds confusion and disorder. This is when an already bad situation will get worse. There will be numerous things that will need to be done quickly and efficiently if you are going to minimize the effects of a crisis. Time will become your enemy. Being organized will help you utilize your time more effectively.
There is a simple saying that can guide you in becoming more organized. It’s been around a long time and many people fail to realize the value of the rather simple guidelines it sets forth.
“A place for everything and everything in its place.”
The last thing you will need to be doing in a crisis is conducting a search and recovery mission in your own home and most probably in the dark. It’s a lot simpler to designate space for needed items in advance and keep them there when not in use. You can develop the habit of going to that location to retrieve them and in a crisis your actions will become almost automatic. This will save valuable time in a crisis.
Even organized chaos is preferable to the disorder and confusion that can occur if you aren’t properly organized. It can also be applied to all areas of your prepping efforts. A properly organized BOB will be more efficient in most cases, cover a wider range of needs and perhaps be somewhat lighter in many cases. A properly organized system of food storage and rotation will help to eliminate needless waste, will save you money and be vastly more efficient. An organized plan for getting all family members together in a crisis will help to minimize the confusion. The time to get organized is before a crisis happens or be prepared for the confusion and disorder that will occur.
Recently, we talked about the necessity of learning skills to aid us in a survival situation. Don’t underestimate the value of those skills for barter. If the grid goes down, people may be left with no access to medical care, serious gaps in their knowledge or the inability to repair vital items. If you possess those abilities, your skills will be in high demand.
In the situation of economic collapse, there will be a revival of the barter system. To barter means to exchange your goods or services for someone else’s goods or services. To complete a satisfactory barter transaction, each person must desire something from the other party. Despite the potential of desperation, it’s morally imperative to be fair to the party that is most in need. Remember that one day, that person who is most in need may be you.
Right now, if something breaks, the replacement is only as far away as the closest Wal-Mart. However, in the event of an economic collapse or a disaster that causes the trucks to stop running, it won’t be easy to replace broken items. The ability to repair broken items will be in very high demand. It will be a rare skill, because we live in a world of planned obsolescence. Few people actually know how to repair an item in a sturdy and long-lasting way.
Brandon Smith of Alt-Market calls this about bringing back the American Tradesman:
“If you wish to survive after the destruction of the mainstream system that has babied us for so long,” he says, “you must be able to either make a necessary product, repair a necessary product, or teach a necessary skill. A limited few have the capital required to stockpile enough barter goods or gold and silver to live indefinitely. The American Tradesman must return in full force, not only for the sake of self preservation, but also for the sake of our heritage at large.”
Check out Brandon’s excellent article on the barter system here.
There is no limit to the skills that could be used in a barter situation. Some examples would be:
First Aid for traumatic injuries
Midwifery/delivering babies
Dental care
Herbal remedies
Animal Husbandry
Veterinary Skills
Teaching children
Teaching skills to adults like knitting, gardening, machine repair, etc.
Mechanic’s skills: the ability to fix solar generators, small machines, automobiles, etc.
Other repair skills: the ability to repair tools, woodstoves, plumbing, etc.
Gunsmithing/Weapon repair
Security services
Food Preservation
Making soap and candles
If the grid goes down or the economy collapses in a long-term way, gone are the days of making your living doing IT work or ringing through purchases at the grocery store. You will need to become not only self-sufficient, but a provider of goods or services. Consider what abilities and knowledge you possess that can be shared with others. Nobody can do it alone – there is always going to be something you need that you can’t provide for yourself.
For several years now, I’ve read Massad Ayoob’s Firearms articles in Backwoods Home Magazine. His articles provide good insight into weapons for those seeking a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. Recent articles include Affordable Firearms, Tailoring Guns to Females, and Cold Weather Shooting Considerations.
If you’re not familiar with Massad Ayoob, he’s pretty well known in the firearms and self-defense industries. He’s written quite a few books, 20+ according to wikipedia. He is also pretty active in police and law enforcement circles and serves on a couple of advisory boards. All in all, he impresses me as being pretty knowledgeable. (I do not know Mr. Ayoob personally, though)
I was recently reading a blog post on The Firearm Blog that had a link to a YouTube video that Mr. Ayoob had made. In it, he discusses and demonstrates a good way to let a police officer know that you legally have a concealed weapon without alarming him. Here’s the video.
It’s been quite a few years since I’ve been pulled over for a moving violation. Frankly, I’m not sure what the law requires if you are legally carrying a concealed weapon during a routine traffic stop. I’d imagine that the requirements vary by state; some states requiring that you let the officer know while other states take a less intrusive approach. I’m going to look into it more for my home state.
Nevertheless, I’d agree with the video. While letting an officer know that you have a weapon, it’s good for everyone if you choose your words wisely. The last thing you want to do is agitate the officer and make a scene that quickly spirals out of control. What do you think? Have you been stopped for a traffic violation while carrying a concealed weapon? How did you handle it?
You went out and bought the latest backpack and a white gas stove that will work on top of Mt. Everest. You bought the newest sleep system, all the best cold weather gear, freeze dried food, water filter, a great survival knife, and the latest .22 survival rifle that breaks down and fits into its own stock and lots of ammo to go with it. You’re ready for the zombie wars. You put the bag in a corner of your closet ready to go and two years later there it sits…
Then one night there’s a flood or (choose your disaster scenario here) and you’ve got to bug out. For whatever reason you have to go on foot, so you run to the closet, grab your BOB and throw it on your back and head out. You’ve got enough food, water, and gear for a week and you know you’re going to be ok, but a half-mile down the road the straps from that 55 lb bag start to dig into your shoulders and your hips are burning from the waist strap. Your breath is coming in ragged gasps and it feels like someone is raking broken glass across your lungs. You realize you’re sporting an extra ten or fifteen pounds yourself and the walk you used to be able to do with your pack with no problem is now kicking your ass and you realize you’re in big trouble. Be Ready
You’ve got to get out there and test your gear and skills, folks. Having the bug-out-bag in the corner is great, but if you haven’t picked it up recently and taken it for a walk you might be surprised at just how heavy it is when you have to take it on a ten or more mile hike.
In order to be ready you have to practice practice practice! Other Components of Successful Prepping
There are several components to being a prepper that need to be looked at above and beyond piling cans of food in the basement.
1. Physical fitness means exercise and proper diet and nutrition. You needn’t be a marathon runner or power lifter, but keeping physically fit can be achieved simply by walking a few miles every day mixed in with some calisthenics. We used to call them the Daily Seven when I was in the Corps. The exercises change from place to place, but you can get an idea by following the link and checking them out.
There are many different diets on the market today, but if you eat 2000 calories a day with lots of fruit, vegetables, lean meats, and some whole grains you should do ok. I won’t harp on diet here, but if you’re diet consists of pizza, chips, and beer you might want to do a Google search on proper diet and nutrition and do a little reading.
2. Keep your skills honed. Go camping and actually use your gear. Use your stove to boil water. Use a firesteel to light a fire. Set up your tent and sleeping bag to make sure you still know how and ensure that the equipment is in good working order. Use your survival saw to cut some wood and use your knife to split it. Shoot your pistol and assemble the survival .22 and use it to kill your dinner.
If you’re going out for a walk with your wife and kids throw on your backpack. When people ask what the heck you’re doing say, “I’m working out,” or “I’m getting prepared for a long hike this summer,” or whatever. Don’t let the fear of looking silly stop you.
Over the years I’ve met many people who didn’t have the first idea about how to survive outside a city or suburb, much less in the wilderness. This doesn’t make them bad people, but they should recognize what it is they don’t know and take steps to remedy it.
3. Psychological – Are you a survivor? Are you willing to undergo certain hardships in order to live through what may be a difficult situation? You might think this is a silly question, but I’ve talked with many people who have said, “I’d rather just die than live without electricity or suffer without all my material things.”
Hey Jarhead! Do you put your money where your mouth is?
Well, I try. I do a three mile hike with my GHB (Get Home Bag) at least three times a week. I lift weights and try to eat a semi-healthy diet. On the weekends I like to take my 3 old out in the woods, so he can see what it’s like to live with very little. He’s never seen me start a fire with a match and I doubt he’d know what one is as I always use a firesteel out there. Of course it helps that I live about twenty feet away from a 1000 or more acre forest, but that’s not an accident.
At least once a month I use my generator to run the house to make sure it’s working the way it’s supposed to.
I read and keep up on current events and try to keep a situational awareness of what’s happening the world. Nobody’s Perfect
Let’s admit it. Very few people are perfect when it comes to doing all these things including me, but if you at least make an effort to do something – anything – it’s better than doing nothing at all.
A good way to do this is by doing things on a schedule. Take your calendar for the year and write down the things you need to do. For example, I usually do my generator test at the end of every month. I write it down so that when I look at the calendar I know that it’s time to run the test.
Make working out part of your daily routine. Skip lunch and go for a quick walk or find a place to do some pull ups and push ups. Yeah, it’s hard at first, but over time it gets easier and pretty soon you’ll be feeling good.
Do you test yourself and your gear? Are you ready?
Sound off below.
-Jarhead Survivor
No related posts.
Someone asked me recently about growing potatoes in tires, and if it was a good method. It is! And so I figured I’d write about it with some details.
The general idea here is that a potato plant will throw roots (potatoes) when the stalk is covered. The stalk will continue to grow as well. So if you can keep that stalk growing up, it’ll keep throwing new potato roots.
You need a stack of tires, five or so should do the trick, and some seed potatoes.
Cut the side wall out of one side of each tire. This becomes the top of the tire. Then add some drainage holes in the bottom side. You don’t want standing water in the tires.
Put the first tire on the ground, cut-side up. Fill it most of the way full of compost or soil, and plant three or four potatoes in it. You’ll want to cut each potato into pieces with two eyes at least.
Cover the seed potatoes lightly with soil, and then add straw on top. Water heavily.
Once the potato plants are about two inches over the top of the straw, add another tire, and fill it with straw. Repeat until you run out of tires or decide to harvest your taters.
You’ll end up with about 25-30 pounds of potatoes per stack.
You can do something similar by making a three sided box out of wood. Anything will work here, but pallets work great!
Instead of using tires, you just continue to add straw and a retaining board across the fourth side every time you need to add more height to your stack. Eventually you end up with a box full of straw and potatoes.
Enjoy your taters!
from Modern Survival Blog - surviving hard timesby Lauren (Mrs. MSB)
What will be the first grocery store items to disappear during a SHTF scenario when all of your neighbors are rushing out to the grocery store down the street? Will the items they purchase be the items they really should be purchasing? Maybe, but then again, maybe not.
For the purpose of this scenario, let’s say that the SHTF event is a major magnitude 8.0 earthquake on the New Madrid fault zone where Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Missouri come together along the Mississippi river. The earthquake is so severe that almost all of the bridges along the Mississippi river are knocked out. Since much of the foods and supplies criss-cross the country from source to destination, there will be major disruptions in inventory when nearly all the east-west trucking has slowed to a trickle due to the major bridges being out. In this example, you don’t actually live in the devastation zone (where the power will be out and stores closed anyway), but you know that there will be serious supply shortages soon. The news media has been talking about the supply distribution breakdown and the fact that bridge repairs may take months or much longer. You are worried that food may become in short supply.
Most people won’t know how bad it might get, but there will be people beginning to panic and rushing out to the grocery store to buy supplies.
Many people won’t be smart, and won’t think it through. What will they buy first?
Maybe they will rush to get things like,
- fresh milk, bread, and eggs
- more of their ‘regular’ stuff (processed/boxed foods, frozen foods, etc.)
- cigarettes and booze
Why did they buy these items? What was their ‘thinking’ or logic behind it?
It’s a natural instinct to go out and buy the foods that are consumed on a regular basis, especially those that will ‘go bad’ the soonest, foods that don’t last that long like fresh bread and milk. We have been trained to think short-term. We have short attention spans and tend not to think ahead (or plan ahead).
Buying milk and bread and other ‘regular’ items are Okay, but, for those who realize the serious magnitude of the situation, knowing that supplies may run out quickly and that they may be without supplies for some time afterward, what might be some better (or additional) items to buy first?
Maybe some of these items will be a better choice during that last minute grocery store run before things run out completely.
- 10 lb. bags (or larger) of rice & beans
- flour/sugar/salt/yeast
- high calorie foods, like the following few random examples,
mac-n-cheese (600 calories/box)
peanut butter (100 calories/tablespoon)
canned stews (200 calories/cup)
canned brown, red, or black beans (350 calories/can)
canned meats
you get the idea…
- powdered milk, powdered potatoes
- coffee/tea, or similar items that you use, or could be used for trade
I’m not intending to make a list of things to get, but to point out that for a last-minute, one time last run to the grocery store while facing upcoming food shortages, you should think about it differently.
By thinking in terms of getting food items that will be better for longer term shortages, you will fill your basket with other things than most people around you who are stocking up with bread and milk. The things in your basket may not be what you normally buy, but the idea is to buy the foods that will last longer, and provide more calories for you money.
Remember, calories keep you alive.
from Stealth Survivalby (riverwalker)
The most common Bug Out Bag is generally in the form of a backpack. This is mainly to afford you with an easy method of carry that leaves your hands free for other tasks and offer quick and afford easy access for the transport of the basic necessities that may be required. Thankfully, they aren’t your only option.
Bug Out Bags have some drawbacks that can create problems that can be solved by using other options. These other options are inexpensive but are still effective in serving your needs. Here are just a few of the alternatives that can be used for a Bug Out Bag.
Bug Out Bag Alternatives
1. Bug Out Bucket - Buckets are very versatile items that can be found rather easily for free or at an inexpensive price. They can hold a significant amount of items but also work to limit the weight factor and generally can offer extended protection for your bug out gear items. One of the major drawbacks of a backpack is that people generally tend to over pack their BOB’s until they are almost too heavy to carry any distance and if they sit around for an extended period of time don’t offer significant protection from pests or moisture. A bucket is not going to give much, no matter how hard you try to stuff items into it. Yet it still offers significant protection for your gear and generally will have a handle as well. It can also serve a number of secondary purposes such as a means to carry water from a remote source.
2. Bug Out Box - A simple cardboard box can also be used instead of a Bug Out Bag. They are extremely tough, inexpensive and come in a large variety of sizes. While it may not offer a comparable level of protection as a bucket, it is a very frugal alternative. A small to medium size box will put some limitations on what you can carry but this only helps you to keep the weight factor down. They are also easily stored and stacked. If your budget allows, you could even use plastic storage bins as a cheap alternative.
3. Bug Out Blanket - Even a simple blanket when made into a swag will offer you a cheap alternative for use as a Bug Out Bag. In fact, you could use just about any type of material you have available. If you’re looking for a little protection from moisture for your gear, you could easily use an old shower curtain tied off with some paracord to make a bindle, especially if you needed to bug out in a hurry.
In a survival situation, it’s important not to place arbitrary limits on how you seek to accomplish things. It’s important to focus on your immediate goals and use whatever means and resources that are available to your advantage.
You will need every advantage you can get in a survival situation.
So now that you have experienced the ultimate bug out scenario, do you feel you had enough cash set aside for when you decided to go, or do you wish you had been able to have more? Is the one month's expenses worth of cash still a good rule of thumb or would you increase that now, based on your recent experiences?
Good question. I had been planning to move for sometime so I had more than that read to go. More money certainly makes things easier. Yes, I’ve mentioned that a months worth of expenses in cash is a good idea in case of emergencies such as bugging out. Keep in mind that too often people don’t keep any cash at all or just very little of it. Sometimes you see bug out bags with a few 20s or 50s but little else.
Money is one of the three essentials I mentioned in the “3 Must have items when bugging out of the Country” video for a good reason. While credit cards are readily accepted in most places, it just doesn’t work that way when there’s complications and hard cash rules. Even during normal time cash appeals to people in a certain way and can land you good deals. For example when buying used cars or furniture, “so whats the final price, cash in hand right now?” are words that will get you some discount more often than not. Other times you just cant get around it. Some hotels will ask for a card of some sort, getting car insurance in some countries requires a local bank account, and its difficult to do that with no credit history.
In terms of how much cash you need based on my recent experience, I’d have to say now that a month’s worth of cash is indeed a bare minimum so as to make such a huge change in your life and the life of your family with an acceptable level of comfort and safety. Just landing in some country with only the clothes on your back and little else and expect to be taken care for by family, friends or the estate is a desperate, last resource idea. I’d say that two months worth of expenses would be more realistic. Consider that the plane ticket alone for getting out of there to begin with would consume most of a typical family’s monthly budget.
A good way of knowing more accurately how much you would need would be to make plans ahead of time. Leaving a country with no prior planning is risky and bold to say the least.
Know where it is that you would be moving to. Contact family or friends there and see if you could count on them and hear their advice. No family, no friends? Make friends then! Choose a country that suits you based on cultural equivalence, hopefully a place where you can speak the language fluently.
Once you chose one location or two try traveling there and getting to know your way around. I left for good having never been to Ireland before but it took a lot of researching, I have had experience in moving before and given that I’ve been seriously involved in survival and preparedness for over a decade I may have more experience in these things than the average Joe. For most people, I would not recommend relocating to a country you haven’t visited and spent some time in.
After making up your mind regarding what country you would move to if you had to do so, work on a budget, the more realistic and detailed it is the better. Think rent (don’t forget the deposit) car rental, eventual car purchase, insurance, cost of living, electricity and heating bills, etc. Take a look at the country’s average income to have a better idea of what two months worth of expenses would look like. Try finding out how much a family similar to yours would spend, and when finding different opinions go for the least favorable as probably the most realistic. Another way of looking it would be taking the average income. Supposedly a small family should be able to get by with that and a larger one would probably do ok with two average incomes per household. Once you have an idea of the budget your looking at, add 20% as unexpected expenses and error margin.
Today the Dow is once again nearing all time highs, the spin machine tells us that unemployment is dropping and the economy is really picking up steam, Mike Gasior would call it a “wonderful fiction”. So what do I think, … Continue reading →