Natural disasters are apparently on the rise. People are beginning to panic at the thought of the global economic collapse. Fear is driving gun sales and bulk food purchases. Several people that I know are afraid of what the future holds. Talk of FEMA camps, military drafts, civil unrest, and chaos is making many tremble with anxiety.
While the unexpected can and does occur its not really something to fear. An excellent tool in overcoming the obstacles life throws at us is to prepare for them. As devastating as hurricane Katrina was, I still cannot comprehend how unprepared the people of New Orleans were. It was no secret that they lived in a hurricane strike zone. It was no secret that they lived below sea level, at the edge of the sea. Common sense and logic would dictate that this is a recipe for disaster. The people had plenty of advanced notice, yet they still refused to prepare.
I don't put much stock into psychiatry. I think it is, more often than not, for weak minded people. Yes, I know there are people with medical conditions, who are chemically unbalanced, etc. but I think that the majority of people seeking a shrink have a problem with their ethos, not their mind. Especially since our society has been trying to turn our boys into the soft, sensitive, metro-sexual types. Somehow I just can't imagine Daniel Boone, Lewis and Clarke, or Paul Revere laying on a couch, talking about how their mommies mistreated them.
With that said, I recently read an article claiming that psychological devastation will affect more lives than the physical or economic toll, warns the Australian Psychological Society in reference to the recent fires. Below are a few quotes from that article.
“During and immediately after a disaster of this magnitude the focus is understandably on sheer survival and rescue,” says Professor Bob Montgomery, president of the APS.
“But soon after, most people will naturally show signs of distress. At this point, survivors benefit most from simple practical and emotional support. Getting some order and control back into their lives and having their emotions validated as the normal reactions to severe stress. These are basic components of psychological first aid, to help people heal themselves,” he says.
“People have a great capacity for healing themselves and most don’t need any special professional help to deal with the psychological impact of a traumatic event, just practical and emotional support,” he says.
“However, there will always be some people who are at risk of prolonged and serious reactions, usually in the form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
“This involves flashbacks and nightmares of the original event, disturbed sleep, increased anxiety and tension, avoidance of normal activities, especially those that may include reminders of the trauma. PTSD is a potentially serious psychological problem, associated with depression, anger, strained relationships, excessive use of alcohol or other drugs, and suicide.”
The best way survivors and those around them can help is to keep an eye on themselves and each other for persistent signs of distress. If a survivor is still showing signs of distress three or four weeks after the trauma, like those noted above, then it’s time to seek some professional help before the problem becomes chronic.
Again, let me be clear there are people who are unbalanced and will need medical help. However, sometimes I think what people need is a swift kick in the pants. Some people are just sniveling whine bags who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
Folks, we are in for some hard times. It's time to cowboy up and stop sniveling. Men, it's time to put down your Loofahs and hand creme and man up. They are afraid of the American man. That's why they have done their best to feminize our society. They know a country full of Marlboro men will kick their asses. They also know that a country full of metro-sexual's will be so overwhelmed by the fact that they can't get their manicures and eyebrows waxed that they'll be cowering in the corner in a pill driven, psycho babbled, hissy fit. Decide, today,who you are America and then eat hardy for tomorrow we dine in Hell (quote stolen from the movie 300). Source Article: Manage the Stress of Natural Disasters
Additional Reading:
Warrior Mindset
Re: Warrior Mindset by Brick
"Survival Panic" Expected to Spur Crime and Violence
Mental Emergency Preparedness