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Monday, November 26, 2012

STOP, Study, Think, Observe, Prepare

Original Article

A survival reminder for when facing a disaster, is to… STOP.

Stop when you realize that you have a problem or a potential oncoming problem. Accept that you have (or will have) a problem and are in trouble. Do not fool yourself into thinking that what you are experiencing is not a problem, issue or obstacle.
Study any information that you may have been given or have discovered.
Think about what you need to do to survive. Think about the consequences for NOT taking action. Use your brain. Consider, envisage, surmise and understand the situation.
Observe the area. Look for risk. Look for shelter and safety if need be. Survail and inspect the space you are in, and the resources available to you.
Prepare your plan and implement it. Decide how you are going to use your available resources. Do not delay. Remain calm. Think clearly and acutely.
THE most important thing for survival is YOUR BRAIN. Use it.

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