*Edit: There is now a paperback version of this great book available.
I just became aware of a new book, Getting Home, that is currently on sale in Kindle form for .99
I've lately been reading many fiction books along the same concept & will be giving this non-fiction one a read.
Get it before it goes back up to full price.
What will you do when disaster strikes?
How will you get home to your family?
What should you have with you to survive?
Getting Home addresses these, and many more questions.
in a clear and concise manner, with the reader that has beginning or
intermediate knowledge of survival and disaster preparedness in mind,
Getting Home explores the following topics:
1. Creating a robust Every Day Carry (EDC) kit
2. Supplementing your EDC with a Daypack (DP)
3. What to store in your office (or other facility while you are away from home)
4. Selecting and outfitting your vehicle
5. Selecting and outfitting a Get Home Bag (GHB)
6. Creating Caches
7. Getting Home: Tips and Tactics for Survival
Thanks. I am now interested to do expand my interest on reading other important things and interesting topics about survival techniques and preparedness.