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Saturday, June 30, 2012

City Cottage e-Magazine – FREE

FREE SignFREE Sign (Photo credit: Alan O'Rourke)

Original Article

I just ran across this post of facebook from Frugally Sustainable and the post was about a free e-magazine called City Cottage.

The owners are founded in the UK but their subjects are close to most preppers hearts! Raising your own animals for food – I totally related to the author as she spoke about loading the pigs for the trip to the butcher. I hated the day when we loaded ours! It’s a catch 22 for me. I knew we were raising them for food but daily, they would run out when I fed them or watered them. They would… well, let’s not go down memory lane here.

Anyway, the magazine is free and this last issue is 56 pages full of very useful information such as gardening tips, sewing, woodworking, baking, wine making, caring for chickens, etc. I found a ton of great information inside and wanted to pass it along to you!
Their website is

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