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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gardening Techniques: Which One is Right for You?

Gardening Techniques: Which One is Right for You?

With over 50 years of gardening experience, I have learned that one way of gardening doesn’t work for everyone. Whether you have a large space or a smaller area to garden, there is a solution for everyone. I was thinking about how many gardening techniques are used worldwide, and I wanted to share with you a few that I find interesting and helpful. Go ahead and read through this guide to discover which gardening technique may be right for you. 

I want to remind you that for years I’ve had a series of posts to begin each month where I try to direct you to plant various items in your garden based on the hardiness zone you live in. Depending on the type of plant, some are best grown during the warm-season, and others do better starting out in the cool-season. Check out my archive for that series and acquaint yourself with the zones, what to plant, and how to plan for harvest season.

Gardening Techniques: Which One is Right for You?

Core Gardening

Do you love gardening but live in an arid climate that makes it challenging to grow things? Or maybe you continually have to water your plants more than you think is normal. Core gardening may be the right gardening technique for you. 

For this in-ground garden, you’ll build a raised garden bed, lay a few inches of soil on top, and then dig a trench down the middle of your garden (at least 8 to 10 inches deep). This is where you will add your core (straw or other organic matter), which will then work like a sponge. 

This will retain moisture much longer, which will prove valuable as the plants in your garden will need the moisture to germinate and grow. Cover the core with several inches of quality soil and plant directly over it. This is especially good for different types of plants in your vegetable garden.

Keyhole Gardening 

A keyhole garden is a raised garden bed built with a circular design, including a path leading to the center. This is what makes it resemble a skeleton keyhole. In the middle of the garden bed, a compost pile is held in place with a wire mesh “cage.” 

The gardener will then water the compost pile, and the nutrients and moisture will seep into the rest of the garden bed. 

This gardening method is ideal for drier areas and regions with poor soil quality. It’s one of the best techniques for achieving a greater crop yield than traditional gardening. Take the time to determine the type of soil you have. Your local nursery center should be able to help you, especially if you bring in a soil sample. Clay soil tends to get hard and dense when dry and has difficulty holding water with much running off if not turned over. Sandy soil is just the opposite and lets the water run through making it necessary to water more often.

Conventional Gardening

Some of my readers may frown upon me mentioning this gardening practice, but it’s a technique nonetheless. This one uses pesticides and chemical fertilizers to handle pests and weeds. This means less time and labor for the gardener as they tend their plants during the growing process.  

Organic Gardening

When you choose to do organic gardening, you are choosing to garden without any fertilizers or pesticides. Nowadays, more people are choosing an organic approach, which is okay! Instead of using chemicals made by man, someone may choose to use a more natural form of weed and bug treatments.

There is a difference in scale when it comes to organic gardening at home vs large commercial farming operations. 

Straw Bale

Are you someone that doesn’t like to get your hands dirty? With this gardening technique, you won’t be required to till in the dirt. Instead, you will plant your crop seeds or starters directly into straw bales. 

Remember that when using this method, there is a conditioning period where you will have to wait before planting. But once your straw bales are ready, you’ll notice that you won’t have to water or fertilize as often. Here’s how to condition your bales and start a straw bale garden.     

Biodynamic Gardening

If you think you’d like to try out a different and unique gardening technique, then Biodynamic Gardening may be the approach you’re looking for. This type of gardening is thanks to scientist Dr. Rudolf Steiner. The approach behind this garden is that the entire garden is a whole, living organism. All elements of the garden include: 

  • The spirit of the place
  • Field 
  • Compost
  • Forest
  • Animals 
  • People
  • Plants 

Each element is nurtured and harmonized. When someone is doing biodynamic gardening, they are focused on the garden as a whole. 

When is the best time to water plants?

Lasagna Gardening 

Not to get your hopes up, but you will not grow lasagna in this garden. This is one of those gardening techniques that isn’t what you are growing but how you are growing things within your garden. With lasagna gardening, you will add various layers (like lasagna) of organic materials that will break down over time. When you use this technique, you are getting a garden that has nutrient-rich soil. The best soil will help your plants and veggies grow like a dream. 


I feel the word hydroponics is a fancy word in the gardening world that most of us don’t know much about, but it’s not. This gardening technique is very popular because you grow plants without soil. Instead, you use various materials to help support the plant’s roots. To put it very simply, you are using water to grow crops in nutrient-rich water. 

Square Foot Gardening 

Are you looking for new gardening techniques? Square foot gardening may be for you! Essentially, you are going to create a small, organized garden. The most traditional place to grow produce in square foot gardening is (4 feet by 4 feet or 4 feet by 8 feet). You are going to create 1-foot squares within the garden.

Matt’s Garden

Matt sent me pictures of his garden. He cut barrels, and they are rocking with vegetables! I love, love, love this picture.

Matts Garden

Other Forms of Gardening Worth Checking Out:  

Perhaps the best part about gardening is that there are many forms or options, depending on your circumstances. You don’t have to choose only one of these gardening techniques. You can try a few out to see which works best for your garden and lifestyle.

Final Word 

Some people will say that gardening isn’t right for them. But, what if it is? One of these gardening techniques is bound to work for you. The big question is: which one is right for you? Use this guide to help you figure out which technique will help YOU grow the best garden possible. May God Bless this world, Linda. 

Other Gardening Content: 

The post Gardening Techniques: Which One is Right for You? appeared first on Food Storage Moms.

from Food Storage Moms

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