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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Everything You Need to Know About Martial Law

Martial Law Soldiers Marching

Many people have been worried about the possibility of martial law. I’ve seen a lot of memes circulating and people sharing information that isn’t entirely accurate. So, I thought it would be a perfect time to talk about everything you need to know about martial law. I wanted to update this article from 2020; things are worse now than before.

What is Martial Law?

Martial law is when the military takes over an area. It is a law administered by the army/military rather than our civilian government. It can be declared in an emergency, a response to a crisis, or to control occupied territory. When this happens, many of our civil liberties are taken from us. 

Declaring martial law is a rare and momentous decision for the civilian government. When it is claimed, civilian control, or some or all aspects of government, is ceded to the military. This means that the elected government officials, the people we have voted for, are NO longer in power. 

Civilians have ceded control of the country in exchange for restoring order. 

What Happens During Martial Law?

Everything You Need to Know About Martial Law

What scares many people is what happens when martial law is declared. Some of our civil liberties are suspended, such as your right to free movement, free speech, protection from unreasonable searches, and other freedoms. A military justice system has replaced the justice system that handles criminal and civil law. This means:

  • You could be arrested for violating curfews.
  • You could be arrested for offenses not considered severe in everyday situations.
  • Laws relating to habeas corpus designed to prevent unlawful detention may be suspended. 
  • The military can detain individuals indefinitely without the possibility of recourse. 

Key Information to Remember

Here is the key information you need to remember about martial law:

  1. Our military, NOT our civilian government, administers it to restore order.
  2. Martial law is only declared in an emergency, a response to a crisis, or to control occupied territory. 
  3. When martial law is declared, your civil liberties are suspended. This means rights such as free movement, speech, protection from unreasonable searches, and habeas corpus laws can be suspended. 

How is Martial Law Declared?

Martial law can have negative ramifications, and thus, declaring martial law is to be reserved as a last resort. This means law and order are rapidly deteriorating. Typically, martial law rests in the hands of the president. However, there are limiting factors, such as how long it can last. For example, the president could declare martial law during violent civil unrest, but only for 60 days. 

In the United States, martial law can be declared by the president, Congress, or state governor. A governor can impose martial law within the state’s borders over those responsible. 

Why Would it Be Declared?

There are several reasons the United States President would declare martial law. Here are a few:

  1. It may be declared to reign in violent protests.
  2. Martial law can be declared for insurrections.
  3. It can be declared if there is civil unrest.
  4. Another reason is if our country occupies foreign territory, such as at war’s end. 

An example of when martial law was used was back in 1892 when the governor of Idaho instituted martial law. He did this after a group of rebellious mine workers blew up a mill, leveled a four-story building, and killed one person. 

Martial Law in the United States: When Have We Used It?

In the United States, martial law has been used in several instances. Here are some of the times leaders have declared martial law:

There are other instances of it, but these are just a few. 

Martial Law Concerns Preppers Have

When you look at martial law and its meaning, you may not fully grasp how it can affect your daily life. Preppers, however, look at all aspects of life that can change and what we need to prepare for. Here are just a few of the concerns that many preppers have:

Mass Surveillance

Those in charge will have surveillance to identify individuals who are viewed as troublemakers. In addition, martial law is used to control the population. But this also means they can track you and what you do. When martial law is declared, your cell phone can be tracked without a warrant. So, you may want to ditch the cell phone. 

Media Restrictions and Censorship

During martial law, media coverage will undoubtedly be completely government-controlled. This means there will be heavy restrictions on content and what can be posted or shared. 


Curfews are a way to control the masses. The curfews will start small in some regions of the country and then could build up to curfews all over the nation as additional control is necessary. 

Gun Confiscation

Another fear is that if the military is trying to establish law and order, they won’t want you to have guns. Having guns and ammunition confiscated has always been a fear of preppers. 


Obviously, with curfews and such, people won’t be able to work around the clock to bring the food to the stores. This means we will need to ration it. Additionally, if rationing occurs, having food stashed away could be held against you and become illegal. 

Relocation, Detention Centers, and Killings

During martial law, you could be considered guilty before being proven innocent. This means there could be mass arrests, quick trials, executions, concentration camps, and shoot-to-kill orders.

Although we don’t know that any or all of these things will happen, it is always better to be prepared than not. 

How to Prepare for Martial Law

As tensions rise between groups of people in America right now, many have been concerned about the possibility of martial law. And in some cities, we have seen looting, rioting, military involvement, and curfews put in place. With that being said, we need to be prepared. Here are some ways you can prepare for the possibility of martial law:

Prep Enough Food and Water

As I stated above, even violent protests can mean martial law for 60 days. This means you need enough food and water for at least 60 days. I don’t know about you, but if the military is moving up and down my street, I’m sure I will not go to the store to buy more supplies. 

Remember that during this time, there could also be significant power outages because of the civil unrest. So, you will want to have a variety of food options. If you don’t have a fridge or freezer to keep things cold, be sure to have plenty of canned goods and non-perishables. Check out my Survival Food and Emergency Food Storage post to learn about prepping food. 

The American Red Cross recommends storing one gallon of water per person per day. I recommend four gallons per person per day! Please read this post, How to Store Water for Drinking and Cooking!

Hide Weapons

You may want a weapon or two that is easily accessible, but you may also want to hide weapons and ammo. If the government does decide to confiscate your guns and ammo, you will have to decide if you want them hidden where they can’t be found. This could be a tough decision based on how the laws work under a martial law system.

Prepare Your Home for Looting

If there are rations, you may be a target for looting. Desperate times may call for desperate measures for those who are not prepared. Please read How to Prepare Your House Against Looters

Stock Survival Items

You don’t need just food and water to survive. You may need alternate ways to stay connected, medicines, first aid, or ways to hunt. When you prep, you must think of everything you will need to stay alive for extended periods. Check out my list of 30 Non-Food Survival Items to Stockpile. You may also want to read Emergency Items That Will Disappear First

Decide if You Will Bug in or Bug Out

Before martial law, you will want to make tough decisions with your family. This includes whether or not you will bug out to another location or stay put. Some people have bunkers they can go to that will be much safer than staying where they are. However, others may have all they need right in their home. You’ll want to make your decision now and have a plan. You can find my suggestions for bugging out here.

How to Survive Martial Law

Hopefully, if martial law is declared, you have already prepped! But prepping isn’t all you need to do. You also need to know how to survive it while it is happening. Here are a few tips:

Keep a Low Profile

Anyone who previously expressed civil disobedience will most likely be the first target. In all the chaos, they will be looking for the troublemakers. So, it’s important to avoid rioting, name-calling, or attracting attention to yourself. 

Don’t Talk too Much

First of all, do not tell anyone you are a prepper. You don’t want to be a target for looting or have the military confiscating your stuff. Additionally, when collecting intel from neighbors and friends, listen more than talk. 

Don’t Dress in Camo

If you wear military-style clothing, you risk a confrontation with military personnel. Your goal during martial law is to become the “gray man” and be less visible. 

Keep the Peace

Even if you feel that whoever is in authority is not looking out for you, you must cooperate. This means you give respect and stay out of trouble. You don’t want to give anyone a reason to harm you or your family. If you are cooperative, you will appear meek and non-threatening. Use that tactic to your advantage. 

Keep the Act Up

As a prepper, you will have less reason to go to the streets to get things. However, if you live in the city, you don’t want anyone to know that. You want to play the part of the “sheeple.” Pretend with your neighbors that you have nothing. Keep up the act of trying to find food, etc. Observe your neighbors and act like they do.

Be Ready to Defend Yourself

During civil unrest, you never know what’s going to happen. While you can, take self-defense classes, have and make improvised weapons, and again keep yourself less visible. 

Final Word

Martial law is serious business. Sometimes, it is necessary, but you should still be prepared to survive it even when it is. Remember, prepare for the worst and hope for the best! Please stock up if and when you can. May God Bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Martial Law Deposit photos_179267038_s-2019, Martial Law Soldiers Marching Depositphotos_1726090_s-2019 By Rachwal, Marching Soldiers Depositphotos_109546896_s-2019 By Branex

The post Everything You Need to Know About Martial Law appeared first on Food Storage Moms.

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