Cash is the king.
So the old adage goes anyway, and for the prepper – the one who’s keeping abreast of current events – cash is one of the last man-made means of protection that he or she has against governments that have grown to a degree of power that they never had before.
The Dangers of a Cashless Society
There are two predominant dangers that come with a cashless society, and just about every negative that you can think of due to such will fall into one of these two groups:
- Denial of purchasing power
- A complete loss of anonymity
Denial of Purchasing Power
A cashless society is a controlled society. If everything must go through an online banking or credit card process, then you have just lost virtually all control over what you buy.
Anything that is not politically sanctioned(guns, ammo, body armor, helmets, particular books, particular website premium subscriptions, political donations, etc.) could very easily be vaporized overnight.
This, of course, would drive the makers and holders of such products into a black market to barter their goods, and this in turn would be responded to by the use of overwhelming government force. This will come in the form of Stryker vehicles, concussion grenades, snipers, and men with automatic rifles and body armor.
Don’t believe me? Read FA Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom. Totalitarian governments must resort to force simply for the sole reason that people will naturally refuse to comply with widespread theft of their own goods. This force will only continue to grow in its usage.
Totalitarians do not accept blame for their own economical failures. The state is the end of all things to them, and as such, the end justifies the means – no matter how terrifying such a means may be.
A Complete Loss of Anonymity
Once cash is abolished everywhere, your attempts at any form of anonymity will be destroyed.
You already have an amazing amount of data that has been collected from you from your Internet search history, GPS data, voting history, bank statements, credit card statements, phone data, and a host of other publicly available information that easily allows people to deduce information from you.
Related: 10 Things You Should Do To Stop The Government From Tracking You
And where humans fail, algorithms thrive. I have a hobby interest in algorithm creation (particularly multiple linear regression analysis) and have used it within my healthcare job as a means of predicting patient attendance rather accurately on any given day. I’ve also used them to (somewhat less accurately) predict when a patient was going to have episodes of heart block.
Algorithms are a powerful tool, and the more data you feed them, the stronger they get. With the amount of data that has been collected on you already, the government may be able to make a much stronger prediction about who you are, what you believe, and what you possess than you would’ve ever thought possible.
Just think about what a cashless society would mean for the following purchases:
- Medicine – The government can now invade your medical privacy to see what meds you need to live as well as know what could either improve or hamper your condition. For those who don’t believe that this is a concern, just keep in mind that it wasn’t that long ago that the US military was warning its soldiers against getting genetic testing to determine their family tree. Why? Because it was deemed to be a security risk. What do they know here that we don’t?
- Food – Algorithms can easily predict when you are buying much more than what you could eat within a particular span of time. This then means that food stores can be predicted and located. Come disaster time, your house could easily be one of the first that is targeted for “hoarding”. And what happens if it’s determined that those with large food stores are likely to be “domestic terrorists”?
- Firearms and Body Armor – This is the low-hanging fruit here. Weapons, ammunition, body armor – they could all be easily tracked (and later confiscated). Buying “too much” of one particular product may cause red flags to be attached to your file, and you could very easily end up with a visit from an alphabet agency full of men carrying what is now a felony for you to own.
- Ham Radios – There already seems to be an attack against ham radio users as the government has realized that this is the route that many fearing censorship/silencing are turning toward. If you can shut down all communication other than what is government sanctioned, you have effectively silenced free speech.
- Media – Do you like to watch documentaries that may be labeled as conspiracy theories? Is it that hard to imagine a “misinformation tax” to discourage Americans from imbibing in certain forms of media? Why not? We’ve already seen the “death by a thousand cuts” approach being used with firearms so that the argument can be made that “no, you can have a gun, but you just have to fill out these fifty forms, pay a $4000 fee, and have a license. See? There’s no infringement whatsoever.”
Related: Best Methods To Spot Fake News
To think that the same idea couldn’t be applied to the news commentators that you like to listen to is naive.
Here are some arguments that will be used for a cashless society:
Physical Money Shortages
Throughout 2020 we were told that there was a coin shortage throughout the U.S.
As a result, retailers either quit giving coin change back or strongly discouraged customers from asking for it.
Kroger actually resorted to either giving you back your money in the form of credit vouchers (to that particular store of course) or by donating the change that they owed you to charity.
Control Over Dangerous and Illegal Purchases
In what can only be viewed as an incredibly ironic wordsmithing, we will be told that one of the benefits to a cashless society is that we can finally rein in purchases that are deemed by the government to be dangerous to the public.
Guns, ammunition, freedom-oriented books (“radical terrorist recruiting material”), and the like will be argued against so that we can keep our society safe. Notice that there is always an emphasis on safety throughout this entire process.
A Fomite of Disease
Once again, 2020 set the stage here. Cash purchases plummeted worldwide, with credit cards filling in the void as people began to avoid any and all cash purchases with the hopes of not getting themselves sick.
Related: 30 Supplies for Pandemic Survival
This was a talking point spouted throughout the mainstream media in 2020 and will continue to be used in the future as the push for the abolition of cash continues.
Cost of Creation Outweighs the Actual Value of Money
We see this already with the US penny. It actually costs 2.41₵ to produce a single penny.
While our government currently has no problem with making fiscally irresponsible decisions, when it finally does come around to deciding that “you know what, pennies aren’t worth it” – or any other form of cash for that matter – there will be nobody that will argue against them.
This decision will be portrayed as a means of reducing wasteful spending, and anyone who argues against this given reasoning for the abolition of cash will be labeled as an idiot who can’t do proper math.
Less Risk of Theft
We don’t often hear this argument being made currently, but it is out there.
The argument goes that if you’re mugged while you’re carrying $300 in cash, you simply lose all of your money.
However, if you’re mugged and all you have on you is your credit card, then you can quickly call the credit card company, cancel your card, and be reimbursed for any disputed charges that were made in the interim.
What Can We Do to Fight This Process?
While I do believe that a cashless society is inevitable, I do think that there are things we can do to fight against it and to slow it down.
Here is what we can do as freedom and privacy-loving Americans.
#1. You Need to Make Friends with Like-Minded People Now
I used to always blow off this idea. It wasn’t until I began talking with Forest of Prepper Net that I began to see the light on this issue. If you don’t have like-minded friends, you’re going to be up a creek without a paddle when a cashless society hits.
You need to know who has what skills, who has what goods, who can get what, and where their sympathies lie. Perhaps this is more of a cashless society survival skill, but nevertheless, refusal to comply is still a means of fighting against a cashless society.
Related: 18th Century Skills That Will Become Life-Saving When SHTF
And this isn’t just refusal to comply based on principal. This is refusal to comply because to do otherwise would mean certain death. When you’re not allowed into a store to buy food and other necessary goods for your family because you refuse to use Fedcoins for purchase or refuse to show a vaccination card you better be dang sure that you have some alternate means of getting what you need to live.
History has proven such. Read the diary of Anne Frank. Had Otto Frank (her father) not had connections with like-minded (this is key) people throughout his neighborhood well prior to his going into hiding with his family, they would’ve died well before the Nazis came and took them away.
Listen to what Good Patriot out of Texas has to say in her Fighting Back videos on Telegram. She’s echoing this same thought process. You need to make groupings of people who can work together to combat this evil.
#2. Develop Some Means of Production
Both Ayn Rand and Adam Smith harped on the fact that production is what equals true wealth. Whether it’s learning how to raise livestock, how to work with leather, how to tan hides, you need to learn some means of production so that you can still produce wealth when cash is taken from you.
You still have to eat. You still have to put bread on the table. And there are going to be others out there who have principles and love logic who will be of the same mind as you. They are going to want to trade for supplies. Barter will come back in full force. You’ll need to have some means of producing something of value so that you can get what you need.
#3. Invest in Precious Metals
Robert Kiyosaki harps upon this in his new book, Fake, the reason being, that precious metals have intrinsic value. They’ve been used as a form of money for roughly 6,000 years now, and they’re not going to stop being a store of value anytime soon. Within a barter society, this may be one of your best stores of wealth.
On top of this, over 40% of the US dollar supply has been printed within the past year alone. Every other economist you see is screaming about the signs of inflation. The U.S. dollar is about to collapse. There is no longer any denying it. Inflation has already risen drastically and will only continue to grow worse. You need to begin doing something to protect your wealth from inflation.
Precious metals are part of the solution.
#4. Start Using Masked Payments
If you don’t have one already, you need to set up a account. This is a form of masked debit card that will help to keep your purchases anonymous. Yes, this is a form of cashless payment, but it is still a way to fight against such a monster.
Provided that money is flowing out of your account but nobody can tell who you just bought from or what you bought, you’ll be much safer in your transaction privacy.
Related: If You Own A Mobile Phone This Is What The Government, Google &Facebook Know About You
#5. Refuse to Cater to Businesses that Don’t Permit Cash Transactions
If you tug on their purse strings, they eventually change their mind. I’m sorry, but when good compromises with evil, evil wins. Do what you can to avoid these businesses like the plague, and then let them know why you’re avoiding them.
I used to carry around business cards detailing why I wouldn’t support businesses with ‘’no gun’’ stickers on the front doors. I’ve since ran out. I think that such a business card for businesses that don’t permit cash transactions would be an easy way to voice one’s displeasure as well.
Here’s a sample card template:
“I consider your refusal to accept cash as un-American, a forced invasion of my privacy, and a totalitarian tool. As such, I will cease from doing any business with you for the near future and will be spending my money at your competitors instead.”
This is similar to the language that I used within my Second Amendment business cards. I bought them easily off of Vistaprint (around 500 for $20 or so) and considered the money worth every penny.
#6. Learn How to Grow Your Own Food
There’s already a movement afoot within the U.S. to keep certain types of people out of grocery stores. Vaccination papers are beginning to be asked for before one gains access to certain venues or hotel chains. It won’t be long until cashless payments are the only means of accessing even groceries.
Because of this, I highly recommend that you learn how to grow most of your own food, and begin learning now. Gardening has quite a learning curve and is nowhere near as easy as Michael Bloomberg would have you believe. You need to ensure that your family can eat, and gardening is a great part of that process.
Final Thoughts
A cashless society truly is a scary world. Picture everything that you’ve read about in history books within other totalitarian regimes, and you’ll get a taste of what is to come. I implore you to do something now to protect yourself against the rolling stone that is coming down the mountain right for you.
If you follow the above advice, you’ll help to ease the blow. And there’s no doubt about it – it will be a smack in the face. But we can’t just sit back and do nothing as privacy dies a quiet death inside what was once the freest nation on Earth.
If you’ve found other ways to combat a cashless society that we did not cover within this article, by all means, please let us and others know within the comments. This is about helping our fellow man, and as much input is needed as possible.
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