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Monday, July 1, 2024

How to Emergency Prep When You Have No Time

Analog Retro Clocks

Emergencies can happen without warning, and you must be prepared even if you’re short on time. I want to share ten quick tips on emergency prep when you have no time. I hope these tips help you prep even when you are short on time. Everyone is super busy, and finding time can be challenging, but you must be ready.

How to Emergency Prep When You Have No Time

1. Make a Quick Checklist

Emergency preparedness can start by jotting down the essentials you’ll need in an emergency. A simple list can include water, food, first aid supplies, important documents like passports and birth certificates, and personal items like medications and a complete change of clothing. This will help you stay focused and avoid forgetting anything important.

Over time you can add more detail to the list. You might want to include over-the-counter medications besides your regular prescriptions. Your list of documents (see item 5 below) should include identification, certain medical and banking records, car titles, deeds, insurance policies, a copy of your will, etc. You can find my printable document binder on my website and use it as a guide.

2. Stock Up on Water

Water is vital during an emergency. Buy bottled water or fill clean containers from your tap. Aim for at least one gallon per person per day for three days. This ensures you have enough for drinking, cooking, and basic hygiene. How To Store Water-Pros And Cons. WaterBricks and WaterBrick Spout

I’ve always suggested four gallons of water per person per day to cover proper hydration, cooking, personal hygiene/personal sanitation, and limited laundry chores. You’ll need a way to store water, like BPA-free containers, and treat and filter the water being stored. Again, check my archive and research water storage to get better details.

3. Gather Non-Perishable Foods

Choose foods that don’t need refrigeration or cooking, like canned goods, dry snacks, rice, pasta, and cereals. Look for items that have a long shelf life and are easy to prepare. Ensure to include a manual can opener in case of a power outage. Food Shortage: Why Shelves are Empty & What to Do

Canned goods are the safest bet for your emergency food supply. You’ll want soups, veggies like beans and peas, fruit like peaches and apricots, and canned meats for protein like tuna, chicken, and pork.

4. Prepare a Basic First Aid Kit

A simple first aid kit is essential. Include bandages, antiseptic wipes, hand sanitizer, pain relievers, and necessary personal medications. You can buy a pre-made kit or assemble one with items you already have at home. First Aid Kits-What You Need To Survive. Premade First-Aid Kit

5. Keep Important Documents Handy

Collect essential documents like IDs, insurance papers, and emergency contacts. Store them in a waterproof container or a ziplock bag. This will make them easy to grab and go if you need to evacuate quickly. Important Documents-Here’s What You Need To Do

6. Have a Flashlight and Batteries

Power outages are common in emergencies. Make sure you have a flashlight and extra batteries on hand. A small or medium battery-operated lantern can also help light up larger areas. Why You Should Keep Batteries on Hand

I also have several solar flashlights and keep them on my window sills for charging.

7. Create a Simple Evacuation Plan

Know the quickest routes out of your home and neighborhood. Plan where you’ll go and how you’ll get there. Practice this plan with your family so everyone knows what to do and where to meet if you get separated. What You Need in Your Evacuation Shelter Bags

Since we’re talking about time issues, our busy lives take us in many directions, particularly if we have children. We could be at work when emergencies arise, and children could be at school, daycare, piano lessons, or on a sports field. Discuss the various scenarios with family members and how we’d react to each situation.

8. Pack a Go-Bag

A go-bag is a small bag with essentials you can grab quickly. Pack items like water, snacks, a first aid kit, a flashlight, a phone charger, garbage bags, a whistle, duct tape, and cash. Include personal items like medications, extra clothes, moist towelettes, and personal hygiene items. Forget Your 72-Hour Bug-Out Bag You Need More Women may need a few extra items to account for their special hygiene issues.

You’ll want a bag for each family member. Don’t forget diapers, baby food and/or infant formula if you have little ones. Toilet paper, paper towels, warm blankets, plastic ties, and a few tools like wrenches and pliers can be spread between the bags. If you have some extra room, consider masks like dust masks, plastic sheeting,

9. Stay Informed

Keep up with news and weather updates. A battery-operated or hand-crank radio can be a lifesaver if you lose power. Know the emergency alert systems in your area so you can receive essential updates quickly. Items That Will Disappear After A Disaster

10. Keep Your Car Ready

Ensure your car is in good working order and has a full gas tank. Keep an emergency supply kit in your car with water, snacks, a first aid kit, and essential tools. This will ensure you’re ready to hit the road at a moment’s notice. Your Car Needs Emergency Items For Survival

Why is having a checklist essential for emergency preparation?

A checklist helps you stay organized and ensures you don’t forget any essential items. It’s a quick reference that makes it easier to gather what you need, even in a hurry.

How much water should I store for emergencies?

You should store at least one gallon of water per person per day for three days. This amount covers drinking, cooking, and basic hygiene needs. My suggestion is much more than what may be suggested by the American Red Cross, FEMA, or other government agencies. Please stock 4 gallons per person per day as mentioned above.

What should I include in a basic first-aid kit?

A basic first-aid kit should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, tweezers, and personal medications. You can buy a pre-made kit or assemble one with items you already have at home. I have a very detailed approach to first-aid kit preparations in my archive.

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Final Thoughts

Emergency preparation doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. With these simple tips, you can ensure you and your loved ones are ready for whatever comes your way. I’m so happy to share these tips with my readers. I’ve always done this blog so that I can help one family at a time prepare for emergencies. You can still do emergency prepping even if you don’t have time, just do a little each week. My motto has always been “one can at a time.” May God Bless this World, Linda

Copyright Images: Analog Retro Clocks AdobeStock_200729323 By, Green Blue Analog Clock AdobeStock_199185126 By Chepko Danil

The post How to Emergency Prep When You Have No Time appeared first on Food Storage Moms.

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