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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Why You Should Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Why You Should Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Disaster and calamity can strike at any given moment. There’s evidence of this every time you go to flip on the morning news. But when it becomes personal, and it’s your world that’s the one crashing down, this can leave you in a position where you’re left making a careless decision that could wind up being your last. There are many reasons why you should be aware of your surroundings.

With the rise of global terrorism, school shootings, and natural disasters, choosing to live out life as if any of these situations could never happen to you, is like playing next to a fire. Eventually, you’re going to get burned.

Why You Should Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Why You Should Be Aware of Your Surroundings

That’s why it’s so important that you are aware of your surroundings every time you leave your home. These terrifying situations aren’t going to wait around long enough so that you can collect yourself, but there are several mental steps that you can take ahead of time so that you’re better prepared if such a disaster were to ever happen. 

These steps can even help you in the workplace, or even when you’re in what you think a safe environment is, such as a church. Here are things for you to keep in mind and why you ought to be more aware of your surroundings. 

Put Away the Distractions 

Why You Should Be Aware of Your Surroundings

We live in a day and age where we’re more distracted than ever. The next time you’re sitting down at a restaurant take a look around you. You’ll notice that several people are mesmerized by technology.

Maybe you’re one of them. You can even see people flying down the highway while on their cellphones, paying little attention to what’s going on in front of them. (Scary, but true.) 

It’s important that we look up from our screens and stop being tunnel-visioned to our surroundings and the situations that might be developing. Take a look at the big picture and don’t allow yourself to become caught up with distractions.

You should be able to close your eyes and accurately describe your surroundings. This can give you a few extra precious seconds to make a wiser decision.  

Look for an Exit

No matter what building you are heading into, whether it’s a school or grocery store, take a look at all the possible exits. It’s a good idea to come up with a plan of escape if a dangerous situation was to arise.

Pay attention to anything you could use as defense and where you might be able to hide if you had to. Some might call this fearmongering, but you can call it being smart.  

Keep an Eye on the People Around You

Wherever you are, stop and take a look at the people around you. What are they wearing, what do they look like, and do they strike you as suspicious? Don’t feel guilty about stereotyping individuals that might pose any type of threat.

This way you’re more alert of their behavior and aware of any possible warning signs. This is also helpful in giving security a head’s up and possible information for police officers if anything becomes of it.   

Avoid Being Predictable

Keep in mind that people may be watching you and your daily tendencies. You need to avoid being predictable, which can keep you and your family out of danger.

Try heading a different way to work, another time to stop in at the grocery store, or meeting up with friends at different times and destinations. This doesn’t mean you have to live life in a state of paranoia though. 

Don’t Be An Easy Target

One very important thing for you to keep in mind is, avoiding places that make you an easy target. Especially when you’re alone.

This includes going for a walk by yourself, heading out into a dark parking garage, or answering your front door in the middle of the night. Don’t allow yourself to be easy prey for wicked and senseless people. 

If you’re ever in a scary setting like this, it’s best to get yourself into a public setting as quickly as you can and to ask others for assistance.

If you are putting groceries into your trunk late at night, ask the security officer if they would help you. There’s no shame when it comes to your safety.  

Know What the Situation Calls For 

There might be a time where you have to run from a threat or to turn around to stand and fight, and it’s important for you to know which one you should choose.

This type of scenario is what is known as fight or flight. Depending on the situation, your first reaction should be to decide if it’s safer to hide or to get out of the building. 

It’s never in your best interests to confront an aggressor, but only if you’re left with no other options. Once an attacker has shifted his focus on you, and you’re back is against the wall, it’s time to bring your claws out and find whatever means you can use to bring them down. This brings an element of surprise to them and may get you to safety.    

Go With Your Gut Feeling 

Never ignore your gut feeling. It’s there for a reason. When red flags or alarm bells are going off in your head, or there’s a knot in your stomach about something you’re unsure of, go with your gut feeling. 

You’ll know when you’ve spotted someone behaving differently or carrying themselves in an odd manner. You shouldn’t feel silly about alerting a manager or security officer so that someone else is aware of what you may be feeling. 

That keeps more eyes locked in on the situation and may possibly prevent a situation from ever taking place. You also shouldn’t stay in a building or setting if something appears out of place.  

Final Word

We hope that this message didn’t stir up any anxiety or paranoia with you, but that it was a good reminder of why we all need to be more aware of our surroundings when we’re out in public.

These are some good reasons WHY you should be aware of your surroundings. Thank you for prepping. May God bless this world, Linda

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Copyright Images: Robber Depositphotos_202867110_s-2019, Cell phone Woman Depositphotos_205112524_xl-2015

The post Why You Should Be Aware of Your Surroundings appeared first on Food Storage Moms.

from Food Storage Moms

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