Since you have stated that in case of an emergency that you (and family) will come to my home to be taken care of, the following is a list of what you are required to bring with you and what is expected of you (and family members).
Must bring:
sleeping bag, pillow, blankets-for you will be sleeping on the floor
towels as we don't have enough for our family and yours
all food stuffs, canned goods, dry goods to help feed your family
cash, gold, silver, jewelry--may need to be used to help pay your way here
extras cans of gasoline, propane, diesel
clothing for winter and summer for each person
extra boots, shoes for each person
hats, gloves, coats, rain gear
laundry soap, bath soap, shampoo
all camping gear, tents, tarps, stoves, cookware, etc
any weapons, all ammo all calibers
diapers, extra clothing, toys, formula, etc for any infants
all medicines, prescription and over the counter
first aid kit for your family
school books and lesson plans for school age children
flashlights, solar panels, batteries
pet food --if you bring a pet and pet carrier*pet must not interfere with or intimidate our family pets
The following is a list of what is expected of you (and family) while in our (my) home:
Children must be under your control at all times, temper tantrums, arguments must be nipped in the bud.
All are expected to take turns and share in daily chores such as kitchen duty, clean up, etc.
Prep for meals, preparing of meals, dish washing.
Laundry, sheets, clothing, towels done by hand in tub out back
Lessons for school age children.
Chopping and hauling wood for wood stove.
Working in garden, preparing soil, planting, weeding, watering, harvesting.
Canning and drying of food.
Pet clean up duty.
Clean bathrooms, toilets, tubs and showers.
Sweep and mop floors.
Hunting for meat.
Whatever is prepared for meals will be eaten, no special meal will be provided. If a person doesn't like what is prepared they don't eat. no in-between snacks will be allowed.
All children from age 6 and up are expected to do chores and participate.
Everyone must get up at the same time in the morning except for Sunday, the day of rest.
All chores still must be completed on time.
Animals must be taken care of and fed, chickens, cows, goats, stalls must be cleaned, cows and goats must be milked, etc.
Complaining, whining, or arguing about rules is not allowed. Chores will be rotated to try to be fair to all involved. If a child, teen or adult refuses to complete their chores on time, they don't eat. The head of house hold here makes the final decisions and is the final authority. Anyone can leave at any time, or people may be asked to leave if they do not participate or cause problems for those staying here.
If you do not feel you (or family members) can abide by these rules, then we cannot help you and suggest you make other plans as there are others scheduled to come to our place in times of emergency and space is very limited.
Let's hope you never have to write this letter, but if you do...get it understood up front what is expected in your home!
---- a friend over at Prepare for the Future put this letter up on the Canadian Preppers Network thread on that forum. I thought I would share it!!!!

Since you have stated that in case of an emergency that you (and family) will come to my home to be taken care of, the following is a list of what you are required to bring with you and what is expected of you (and family members).
Must bring:
sleeping bag, pillow, blankets-for you will be sleeping on the floor
towels as we don't have enough for our family and yours
all food stuffs, canned goods, dry goods to help feed your family
cash, gold, silver, jewelry--may need to be used to help pay your way here
extras cans of gasoline, propane, diesel
clothing for winter and summer for each person
extra boots, shoes for each person
hats, gloves, coats, rain gear
laundry soap, bath soap, shampoo
all camping gear, tents, tarps, stoves, cookware, etc
any weapons, all ammo all calibers
diapers, extra clothing, toys, formula, etc for any infants
all medicines, prescription and over the counter
first aid kit for your family
school books and lesson plans for school age children
flashlights, solar panels, batteries
pet food --if you bring a pet and pet carrier*pet must not interfere with or intimidate our family pets
The following is a list of what is expected of you (and family) while in our (my) home:
Children must be under your control at all times, temper tantrums, arguments must be nipped in the bud.
All are expected to take turns and share in daily chores such as kitchen duty, clean up, etc.
Prep for meals, preparing of meals, dish washing.
Laundry, sheets, clothing, towels done by hand in tub out back
Lessons for school age children.
Chopping and hauling wood for wood stove.
Working in garden, preparing soil, planting, weeding, watering, harvesting.
Canning and drying of food.
Pet clean up duty.
Clean bathrooms, toilets, tubs and showers.
Sweep and mop floors.
Hunting for meat.
Whatever is prepared for meals will be eaten, no special meal will be provided. If a person doesn't like what is prepared they don't eat. no in-between snacks will be allowed.
All children from age 6 and up are expected to do chores and participate.
Everyone must get up at the same time in the morning except for Sunday, the day of rest.
All chores still must be completed on time.
Animals must be taken care of and fed, chickens, cows, goats, stalls must be cleaned, cows and goats must be milked, etc.
Complaining, whining, or arguing about rules is not allowed. Chores will be rotated to try to be fair to all involved. If a child, teen or adult refuses to complete their chores on time, they don't eat. The head of house hold here makes the final decisions and is the final authority. Anyone can leave at any time, or people may be asked to leave if they do not participate or cause problems for those staying here.
If you do not feel you (or family members) can abide by these rules, then we cannot help you and suggest you make other plans as there are others scheduled to come to our place in times of emergency and space is very limited.
Let's hope you never have to write this letter, but if you do...get it understood up front what is expected in your home!
---- a friend over at Prepare for the Future put this letter up on the Canadian Preppers Network thread on that forum. I thought I would share it!!!!
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