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Hopefully you will never have to actually escape from a sinking car, but, if you are ever in that unfortunate situation, this is how you do it…
Although it may go against your reflex, immediately open your window as soon as you can, after you hit the water. Your best chance to get out of the car will be through the window because the door will be very difficult to open due to the water pressure against the door, even if the car is somewhat floating.
If the car is floating, get out through the window as fast as you can. If the water is rushing in, don’t panic (easier said than done, I’m sure). The thing is, you won’t be able to get out through the window while the water is rushing in, however, you may still have air until the car fills up. As soon as the car fills with water, you will be able to easily swim out. The door should open once the car is full of water, although it will require more effort than is normal.
If the power windows are not functioning, you must break the glass. It’s easier to break a car window if you strike it with something hard, at a corner rather than the center. Use your feet if nothing is available.
The best chance for escape is while the car is still floating, which may only be a few seconds or even up to a minute or two depending on the car. Once it begins sinking, it may descend steeply or even turn over on its roof. The sooner you get out, the better.
In the worst case, if you cannot open or break the window, wait until the car fills with water. As the water fills, take a deep breath, and as soon as the pressure is equalized between inside and outside, you should be able to open the door. If you know that the door on your side has been damaged, move to another door.
Well, there you have it. It sounds simple enough, but I’ll bet that the key to this survival situation would be not to panic!
Over on the Facebook site, someone had a great suggestion… Google on ‘glass breaking hammer‘, and keep one of those in your vehicle’s glove box.
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I hope I never am in this situation, but if I am I hope to have the presence of mind to remember this article. Thanks for posting it.