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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

72 Hour Kit Food Packs: Putting Them Together

On Saturday, our family put together our 72 Hour Kit food packs. It was a fun activity and went quickly. This would be a great family night activity. Here is how we did it. First I laid out all the food items on a table, and we opened all the plastic and boxes.

Next my 4 year-old had a good time putting the "replace by October 2009" labels on gallon-sized Ziploc bags; three per person. I like using these bags for several reasons.

1) three bags divides the food into 3 days
2) since you wouldn't eat everything all at once it’s a nice holding device
3) it prevents items from water damage
4) these same bags can also store trash
5) they make it easy for the kids to fill their bags each season

Then I told the kids how many of each item to put in their 3 bags. The older kids did their own filling. My husband was the camera man, so I filled our bags last realizing as I did that I was short on a few items. So I will have to go back to the store.

I helped our 4 year-old by holding her bags, and telling her what to grab from the table. Very fun for her. When we got to the bottled water, the kids took out their old water bottles from their backpacks and replaced them with new water. Hopefully after 4 years the old bottles will taste okay. We will replace the water once a year, instead of every 6 months like the food items. Hopefully I can stay on top of this. I put a task reminder in my Outlook calendar.

Some finished bags.

Our son goofing off with the cheap and not wise face masks.
We replaced these with new N95 medical masks. More on that in another post.

Our daughter trying out her bag. A bit heavy, but manageable.

More 72 Hour kit ideas are on the left sidebar of my blog.

For a PDF file or Excel spreadsheet of the items we put in our food packs go to my post March 24th.


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