My view is yes, sooner or later it is inevitable due to declines in production and resources and expansion of population. I also think we should not engage in alarmism at this point either. Much like peak oil this is a real problem that will get worse but over a rather long period of time, not tomorrow morning.
Today we also briefly discuss the defection of Republican Arlen Spector and we do another swine flu (h1n1) update.
Tune in today to hear…
- A news caster that should have his ass kicked
- New swine flu cases in my back yard
- Don’t take your kid to the doctor if they don’t have any symptoms just to be “checked out” DUH!
- What we are learning about how people react in a SHTF right now
- How Spector’s defection is meaningless
- How politics is like pro wrestling - but it ain’t funny when it comes to our national leaders!
- 6 of the last 9 years we have failed to meet demand with global grain capacity
- What global trends are telling us about future food production expectations
- Why grain is so important to the global food supply
- Subsidiaries are not new, they are VERY old
- Why food shortages can only lead to war sooner or later
- 25% of US grain production will go to bio fuels in 2009
- The grain used for biofuel could feed a half a billion people in India
- Why we indeed may face water shortages soon - nothing to do with your Bermuda Grass
- How we are depleting fossil aquifers
- The powder keg of the US, Western Europe, India, Russia and China
- How individual agriculture is the answer, large scale farms can not grow food that way
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