By Joseph Parish
When the time arrives to bug out to a safe location we all have some idea as to what we should take with us. In some cases these essential items are contained in out Bug out Vehicle well ahead of their actual need.
Suppose you have to evacuate an area immediately. You feel confident that you have all the equipment that you could require. You have sufficient cash, credit cards, canned food, first aid supplies, spare items of clothing which are suitable for the weather at hand and maps to guide you. You and your family quickly leap into you Bug out vehicle and start to head out of town. As the hours roll on you decide it is time to stop and make something to eat. The wife glances at the cans of food that was brought and decides on a lunch course for the family.
“Oh no”, she gasps, “We didn’t bring any cookware at all.
Don’t feel bad as most survivalist at one time or another forget to include things like pots and pans and associated cookware in their Bug out bags.
As with any sort of bug out items you want to get the best items for your money. You cookware may have to last you for a considerable length of time so you want it to be durable, versatile and strong. Chances are you may end up roughing it for some time so you want to purchase cookware which won't disappoint you when you require its service. A broken pot or pan can be critical and could result in not eating. A cracked pan will fair no better in situations such as these. In either case it isn’t appealing in the least.
Many survivalists will maintain a completely different set of pots and pans then the ones which they use in their home kitchen to cook their daily meals. This stands to reason as first off you will not want to run around the kitchen at the last moment gathering up various pots and pans prior to getting on the road. Secondly why risk damaging your home cookware when you can easily have a separate set for your BOV.
I would like to provide you with a few additional hints regarding your BOV cookware.
Your cookware should have tight fitting lids to allow your food to heat up quicker thus saving you valuable fuel used for cooking.
Bug out vehicle cookware should not have the nonstick coatings due to the fact that should you burn it one time you can trash the pot or the pan. It will be useless to you.
Simplicity is the key when it comes down to cookware for bugging out. You should try to locate cookware which you can easily store in your BOB’s where space is a premium. A careful search can reveal a set of pots and pans which easily fit together in a set saving considerable space. Try to locate cookware which has rounded edges in place of square as they will not damage your storage container as easily. This is particularly important if you are using something similar to a duffle bag as your BOB.
Make sure that you include several pot holders in your kit as the handles may possibly get very hot.
Although you only require a few essential pieces of cookware should you be really cramped for space a single unit can fill the bill. This is all according to the number of people for which the cookware will have to provide meals for. Naturally, the more individuals you have with you the more equipment you will require.
Copyright @2008 Joseph Parish
Great Post. Cookware is not one of the things in our BOB kit. It will be know!