This is an updated version of a show I originally did back on July 24th, 2008 this time I have expanded it to be even more in depth. Today as we go over 10 crops and 10 lessons that we can teach kids with a garden that are priceless beyond words. Tune in today to learn…
- How Radishes and Greens teach that what we do now matters
- How to use beans and peas to teach kids how plants “help” each other
- How Tomatoes, Squash and Peppers can build a community and teach sharing
- How Potatoes and Carrots teach that what you don’t see matters
- How Pumpkins teach us to create our own entertainment
With Gardening in General we talk about…
- How gardening teaches kids that food does not come from a store
- That the life in a seed applies to the entire world
- How the earth should be seen as a provider not a “resource”
- That hard work pays off
- That you can take care of yourself and others
We need to realize that survival preparedness is best done by blending it with life on a day to day basis. To survive we need to also ensure the survival of the next generations. Today we will discover how a garden can build a new generation of Americans that value hard work, seek self sufficiency, have planning and know what they do matters.
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