Third Half - Food
This is the third half of the blog post on food
Latter-day Saints' Distribution Center:
If you are lucky enough to live near a Latter-day Saints' Distribution center, you can buy a limited selection of long-term food storage to save money on shipping.
Go to click on "Find A Store" at the very top of the web page.
You can also order online, and shipping is free.
Starting a Planned Food Buying Plan:
You may have heard of dollar cost averaging. It is a financial term. You buy the same dollar amount of stocks/bonds every month.
Using the Latter-day Saint's Distribution centers or another food storage retailer, you could start a plan for buying long-term storage food, such as wheat, beans, and oats.
Using the plan, you would buy one or two case of long-term storage food every month, until you have the amount of food you need. You could buy more or less food depending on your desired amount of food storage.
This idea can be even be used at the local grocery store. You set aside say $20 a payday to buy the extra canned, boxed, and bottled food you and your family like. You do this every payday, until you have the extra amount of food you have determined to store for emergencies.
Rotating Your Food Storage/Charity:
I would like to eat all of our food and rotate the food that way, but we have a problem in my family. We don't eat all of the food, I have in storage, by the food's expiration date. Instead of throwing the food out, I donate the excess food, before its expiration date, to a local food pantry.
If you itemize on your taxes, you can take some of you food storage off of you taxes when you donate it.
Insuring Adequate Nutrition during an Emergency
I didn't know whether to put this under food or medical, so I stuck it here.
In an emergency, you will need to make sure that you and your family are eating right. One way of doing that is taking a daily multivitamin.
From my research, an inexpensive multivitamin is as good as an expensive one. The secret is to chew it. This breaks up the multivitamin, so it will be digested.
I learned this from a buddy who empties porta-potties. He tells me; he finds a lot of hard vitamins, like calcium, in the bottom of the holding tank when he cleans them.
Another method is planning your emergncy food menu to insure adequate nutrition. The Later-day Saints have an article in the Ensign magazine giving an example for this method.
Ensign: Random Sampler - Adequate Nutrition during an Emergency
Just so you know, satiety means that you fill full after you have eaten.
Another great resource to ensure your family is getting the nutrients they need during an emergency is through sprouting. When you sprout wheat, it becomes a vegetable and a great source of nutrients. Much of the reason why calcium deposits from vitamins are fuond on at the bottom of porta potties and the like is because the nutrients aren't able to be properly assimilated by the body. Shaklee is a great product to consider for this reason.