It’s the beginning of a new month, and that means that most of you have gotten your pay checks. Before you go out and spend the remainder of the money you have worked so hard for, have you thought of investing in your emergency food supply?
Last month, I challenged my readers to start a 30 Day Preparedness Challenge to either extend or begin their own preparedness efforts. In the article, I suggested to keep food storage simple and to begin with immediate needs. To simplify the challenge even more, I have provided you a shopping list to start your emergency food supplies. Print this list out and give it to family members or friends who can begin their own preparedness efforts.
The shopping list below was based on the food amounts needed for 1 person for a 6 month period from the Latter Day Saints food storage calculator. To add more family members, go to the calculator to see how much food your family needs. These foods are easy to find at supermarkets and most of these items have a long storage lifetime if properly stored. Buying these food items now would be a good investment on your part, as global food prices are hitting record highs.
In addition to food, many preppers also buy powdered drink mixes, tea bags, and coffee to add a variety to just drinking water.
Last month, I challenged my readers to start a 30 Day Preparedness Challenge to either extend or begin their own preparedness efforts. In the article, I suggested to keep food storage simple and to begin with immediate needs. To simplify the challenge even more, I have provided you a shopping list to start your emergency food supplies. Print this list out and give it to family members or friends who can begin their own preparedness efforts.
The shopping list below was based on the food amounts needed for 1 person for a 6 month period from the Latter Day Saints food storage calculator. To add more family members, go to the calculator to see how much food your family needs. These foods are easy to find at supermarkets and most of these items have a long storage lifetime if properly stored. Buying these food items now would be a good investment on your part, as global food prices are hitting record highs.
First Time Shopping List for an Emergency Food Supply:
1. 10 lbs. of white or wheat flour (both would be better. Remember the Prepper Golden Rule: 1 is none and 2 is 1). Those of you who have wheat allergies, click here for alternatives.To add a variety to this emergency diet, you can begin accumulating different types of canned goods. Concentrate your efforts on goods that provide you with loads of vitamins and proteins. Canned goods such as canned meats, canned beans, canned vegetables and fruits. And remember to buy foods that your family normally eats. For instance, I use canned tomatoes in my meals, so I have a lot of canned tomatoes in my emergency food storage.
2. 10 lbs. of corn meal
3. 5 lbs. of oats
4. 20 lbs of rice (white rice stores better than brown rice)
5. 12 lbs of pasta
6. 20 lbs of beans (pinto beans are usually packed in heavier quantities)
7. 5 lbs of mixed beans (lentils, mixed bean soup, black beans, etc)
8. 5 lbs of sugar
9. 2 lbs of salt (this is a multipurpose prep item, click here for more information).
10. 1 gallon of cooking oil
11. 2 large containers of peanut butter
12. 5 lbs of powdered milk
13. 1 lb of baking soda
14. 1 lb of baking powder
15. .5 lbs of yeast
16. 1 gallon of vinegar
17. 1 gallon of drinking water per day (*I would rounded up here. You can never have too much water)
18. 1 gallon of bleach
In addition to food, many preppers also buy powdered drink mixes, tea bags, and coffee to add a variety to just drinking water.
I thnk that location is going to be a huge part of survival should a large scale disater happen. The land is cheaper and the air is cleaner, I dont think that city people have a chance no matter how much they prepair, there are just to mant people who will want what you have. and if your in a fixed compound with all this food you are not as safe as you think. all it takes is a guy that knows how to get around your preperations and catch you off gaurd. no matter how many guns or bullets you have if you cant survive with out them your most likely just preping for someone smarter and stonger. Get your outdoor skills down. A pair of goats some hens and skills practice practice practice