Today we talk about 12 simple steps that people can take toward living a better lifestyle if times get tough or even if they don’t.
Tune in today to hear…
- Debt is financial cancer, eliminate it.
- Plant a garden and permanent food producing crops (trees, bushes, etc) you have a limit to how much food you can store.
- Aim to store at least 30-90 days of reserve food and water. More is better but this will get you through 90% of potential disasters.
- Plan for disaster based on the simplified threat probability matrix. Personal – Neighborhood – Small Region – Large Region – National – Global
- Understand “disaster commonality” simply put most disasters are addressed by the same preparations.
- Have a bug out bag (72 hour kit) for every family member.
- Have a family disaster plan for staying put and for evacuation. (Bugging In or Bugging Out).
- A bug out location (remote location) may be a great idea if you have paid off all consumer debt first and buy smart.
- Don’t be 100% invested in the stock market ever, don’t have all savings in 401Ks/IRAs and practice true diversity.
- Learn to protect yourself, your home and your family.
- Everything you do to prepare for disaster should improve your life even if nothing ever goes wrong.
- Remember what you do matters is the number one factor in surviving any situation.
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