by Joseph Parish
It is extremely important that during any sort of emergency that you keep in touch with family members and friends. This simple act keeps the family from worrying and contacting the authorities in an effort to find out what your status is. These simple procedures may help to ease the way you contact people.
It is extremely important that during any sort of emergency that you keep in touch with family members and friends. This simple act keeps the family from worrying and contacting the authorities in an effort to find out what your status is. These simple procedures may help to ease the way you contact people.
Always make sure that your cell phone is fully charged prior to the arrival of any kind of predicted storm. Have some extra batteries readily available if you are able to. I personal do not rely upon the home charger only as I have the capabilities of charging my cell phone from my car. The added sense of simplicity is worth the cost. Always keep both the cell phone and the batteries dry and in a safe place. You can often save on your cell phone batteries by using the land lines or a pay phone whenever possible. There is also the possibility that during a disaster there will be no cell phone usage available due to the potential extreme power outage. In addition don't forget that cordless telephones do not function during power outages unless there is some back up power connected to them.
During any emergency condition the networks become bottlenecked thus you may wish to consider using the text messaging capabilities in place of the normal voice mode. Short text messages are better then the longer ones. These short messages are more likely to be sent to their destination before the longer ones. In addition, the shorter messages will remain in the queue for a longer period of time. Make your calls only in an emergency in order to assist in freeing up the networks for critical transmissions.
When making cell phone calls always wait 10 seconds before you again try to make a call. This enables the network to clear the data.
If you happen to have them you can always use Willkie talkies for communication between short distance locations.
An important point to consider is that you should always have more then one means by which you can communicate. Often during emergencies you will lose land lines, cell phones, cable, internet, and electricity. All these utilities can be disrupted and potentially at various times.
In the event that you must evacuate remember to forward your home number to your cell phone. Program any local emergency contacts into your cell phone to ensure that the data is readily available.
Train each member of the family and above all make sure that you have a central contact location outside of the storm area. In this way both the family and friends can contact you in the event that they accidentally become separated from you and your group.
We are getting our HAM Radio License as another form of communication.