There are a number of situations for which you may need to alter the "standard" preparedness information you read or learn. Not every piece of survival advice applies to every family or each individual, and some can even be dangerous in certain situations. Here's a list of 7 of the more common "kinks in the plan" you may need to consider in your preparations. Remember these don't just apply to you, but to those you will be caring for also, especially your family members.
1. Food allergies or inability to process certain foods. This includes things like gluten intolerance and nut allergies. I know a guy who cannot eat green peas or corn. It causes all kinds of gastrointestinal distress, so guess what's not in his extended food plan.
2. Medical needs. Is there a medication you need to take every day? Specific foods you have to eat to keep your body functioning? Are you or someone you love on oxygen? Diabetic? Take medical needs into consideration when you are making your emergency plans.
3. Mobility issues. Crutches? Wheelchair? Make sure there's a plan in place for emergencies if you have specific limitations on where you are able to go and how you need to get there.
4. Pregnancy. Expectant mothers need extra food, more frequent meals, and proper vitamins to keep those babies growing right. Do you get sick much when pregnant? Crave specific foods? And the ability to do strenuous work (like cleaning up after a disaster) could be pretty limited from a pregnant lady. Remember guys, this list applies to your family--you'll likely be the one having to pick up the slack here. ;)
5. Infants. Babies require a lot. They need specific foods for proper nutrition and growth. They are more susceptible to illness and they need protection from the elements in a way that adults don't. Oh, and they need diapers. Lots and lots of diapers. I know that's just a short list, but you get the idea.
6. Toddlers/small children. These little folks need some special care in your preparedness plans also. They'll need parents/guardians who can help them remain calm. They'll only eat certain foods (if they are your kids, you'll probably know their favorites) and don't understand that if you don't eat you don't live, so may be willing to not eat your magical food storage creation because it is strange or different. They also need protection from the elements similar to babies. And you may have diaper needs here or potty training regressions in an emergency situation also.
7. Elderly. A lot of elder care will fall into the medical/mobility sections, but they can also have problems after a disaster with food changes and will to survive. If you care for an elderly person, make sure to figure their special needs into your emergency plan.
So there are some of the more common special situations that you'll want to consider when you're making your survival plan. I know we just touched lightly on each of these--we'll probably discuss them in more detail in another post. And you may have other issues you will need to deal with. What are your family's special preparedness considerations?
1. Food allergies or inability to process certain foods. This includes things like gluten intolerance and nut allergies. I know a guy who cannot eat green peas or corn. It causes all kinds of gastrointestinal distress, so guess what's not in his extended food plan.
2. Medical needs. Is there a medication you need to take every day? Specific foods you have to eat to keep your body functioning? Are you or someone you love on oxygen? Diabetic? Take medical needs into consideration when you are making your emergency plans.
3. Mobility issues. Crutches? Wheelchair? Make sure there's a plan in place for emergencies if you have specific limitations on where you are able to go and how you need to get there.
4. Pregnancy. Expectant mothers need extra food, more frequent meals, and proper vitamins to keep those babies growing right. Do you get sick much when pregnant? Crave specific foods? And the ability to do strenuous work (like cleaning up after a disaster) could be pretty limited from a pregnant lady. Remember guys, this list applies to your family--you'll likely be the one having to pick up the slack here. ;)
5. Infants. Babies require a lot. They need specific foods for proper nutrition and growth. They are more susceptible to illness and they need protection from the elements in a way that adults don't. Oh, and they need diapers. Lots and lots of diapers. I know that's just a short list, but you get the idea.
6. Toddlers/small children. These little folks need some special care in your preparedness plans also. They'll need parents/guardians who can help them remain calm. They'll only eat certain foods (if they are your kids, you'll probably know their favorites) and don't understand that if you don't eat you don't live, so may be willing to not eat your magical food storage creation because it is strange or different. They also need protection from the elements similar to babies. And you may have diaper needs here or potty training regressions in an emergency situation also.
7. Elderly. A lot of elder care will fall into the medical/mobility sections, but they can also have problems after a disaster with food changes and will to survive. If you care for an elderly person, make sure to figure their special needs into your emergency plan.
So there are some of the more common special situations that you'll want to consider when you're making your survival plan. I know we just touched lightly on each of these--we'll probably discuss them in more detail in another post. And you may have other issues you will need to deal with. What are your family's special preparedness considerations?
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