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Monday, November 29, 2010

Dental Care After TSHTF

I first read about this product over at What If It Is Today. I decided to check my local Wal-Mart and sure enough they carried the same product.
dental emergenccy, survival, preparedness, dentist, DenTek Temparin Max Lost Filling & Loose Cap RepairDenTek Temparin Max Lost Filling & Loose Cap Repair
A dental problem after TSHTF would be quite a problem and for most – there just will be little to be done about it but suffer. This small kit might under – the right circumstances - provide some relief. An additional item such as Anbesol would also go well with some dental supplies.
Here is some detailed information and directions as they appear on the packaging:

DenTek Temparin Max Lost Filling & Loose Cap Repair Designed to repair with the same ingredients dentists use. This is a temporary remedy meant to replace a lost filling, cap, crown or inlay until you have a chance to visit your dentist and should only be removed by a dental professional.
  • Maximum strength complete repair
  • Instant pain relief
  • Fast drying no mix
  • Safe to eat on
  • Clinically proven
  • 10+ repairs
  • Longer applicator easily reaches back teeth
To replace a lost filling: Wash the cavity area with warm water. Scoop a small amount of temparin max from the vial, and roll into a ball between fingers. Slightly over fill the cavity with Temperin max and tamp into place with a cotton swab moistened with water. Close your teeth together, as if you were biting down on a piece of paper, and gently chew or grind on the replaced filling a couple of times to create a comfortable bite. Use a moist cotton swab to remove excess Temparin max from around the area. Moisture will accelerate the set. Temparin max will set softly in your mouth within a few minutes, but avoid chewing on the repair for 2 -3 hours to allow the material to fully set. To secure loose crowns, caps or inlays: Try the crown, cap, or inlay first to see if you can fit it accurately back onto the tooth surface. If you are not able to do so, then do not proceed further. If the crown has a post attached to it or if there is tooth surface remaining inside the crown, Temparin max may not adhere. Carefully rinse the tooth area and the inside of the crown, cap, or inlay with warm water, and do not dry. Scoop a small amount of Temparin max from the vial, roll into a ball between fingers, and place evenly inside the crown, cap, or inlay. Place the crown, cap, or inlay on the tooth and bite down, apply pressure to push into position. Temparin max will begin to harden within a few minutes, but avoid chewing on the repair for at least 2 -3 hours to allow the material to set. Use a tooth brush to gently clear away excess material from around the crown, cap, or inlay.

It is highly recommended that all dental “needs” be taken care of now – while it is still possible. I now have this DenTek Temparin Max as part of my medical supplies along with some Anbesol. I hope I do not have to use either.
Take care all -
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