By Joseph Parish
Well, we recently changed our clocks and at the same time we were advised to replace the batteries in our smoke detectors. Although this is sensible recommendations, I think that it should have been extended just a wee bit more and ought to have incorporated inspecting our preparedness supplies as well.
Over the past year many of us have supplemented various things to our bug out kits or bug out bags and simply forgot all about the extra objects. We may have wholly forgotten about the new light that we purchased months ago. What about the seed packs that was carefully stuffed away for the day when we would need such items. They too were totally forgotten about.
Preparation in anticipation for potential emergencies and disasters is an ongoing process. I myself have accomplished many things this past year however I feel there are always tasks which can be concluded to compensate for upcoming situations.
II have a new generator, although it is strictly a stand alone power plant and is not connected to switch automatically into the usual power circuitry. It will however serve its purpose well.
* I are continually taking various survival related classes in an effort to be better prepared for those unfortunate events when they occur. I have taken the liberty to ensure that all my first aid kits and medical bags are stocked and there are extra supplies available. Let’s face it; one can always add more to top off the medical supplies.
* I have personally introduced myself to many of the local emergency personnel and try to cultivate a good relationship with various emergency agencies such as the local Red Cross, Emergency Management and the local Homeland Security people.
* All of my families shots are current and our papers are in order.
* Our home has been slightly modified to include a safe room with battery operated lighting and radio communications while remote camera viewing is being installed soon.
* We are currently in the process of covering all the windows in the safe room to preclude both light coming in as well as going out.
* I have deposited a copy of our important papers in several locations and have sufficient coins hidden to get us through emergencies.
* Planning to add a dual-battery system to the BOV along with a heavy duty winch
* We currently have one chest freezer full as well as an upright that is packed with food in case of an extended period of emergency times.
* All my children are welcome to meet at my home and I have made provisions to take care of them in the event that they do arrive. Specific friends are also welcome with the understanding that they bring food, first aid supplies and weapons if they have them.
* All people involved are expected to take some sort of survival classes to enhance their value to the group as a whole.
There are still many things left on my “to do list” that is for sure. These mostly center on preparing the garage for emergencies and the basement crawlspace for specific storage options. I still need to perform a good inventory of all the supplies. Much of my survival equipment dates back to the Y2K era and need to be carefully inspected.
Our short term plans include a victory garden. We currently have many plants started in our home and will naturally have a garden when we get over the last frost of the year. When the price is right we visit one of the local farmers markets and stock up on produce which we then either freeze or can.
Although I feel more prepared then most of my friends and relatives I still lack a lot of the necessities that I would like to have. I guess one is never totally prepared for disasters.
Copyright @ 2009 Joseph Parish
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