For instance, many remember the L.A. riots that occurred in 1992 because of civilian frustration at the local government level. When the civilians were angered about the verdict of a trial of officers, within two hours there were riots, looting, fires and chaos that broke out. Over 50 murders occurred during the L.A. Riots.
These breakdowns of the system eventually lead to waves of crime. Typically those that are creating the chaos are ill equipped and unprepared to survive in such surroundings. Desperation will be a reason to legitimize aggressive force to steal, loot or kill if need be. The assistance of government agencies could be delayed as they are dealing with the influx of crime and other city related matters. Depending on the circumstance, citizens may realize they are on their own and left to fend for themselves. And those that choose to bug out or stay in place may have a major survival situation on their hands.
The most important asset to have in a situation such as this is to have the capable skills and know-how of getting out of harms way. The best advice in surviving the aftermath of a urban disaster would be to stay away from the crowd, keep your head down and immediately seek safety.
If a person must stay in place, having the following disaster items and equipment will make the situation more bearable:
- Have a emergency plan in place.
- Stock up on a basic short term food and water supply. Having a stockpile of food will eliminate the need to go out and brave the crowds. In addition having alternative cooking sources would be beneficial in that electricity could be cut off (i.e. fuel camping stoves, hot plates, compressed trioxane, etc). In the event of food shortages that are expected, the skills and equipment to cook without alerting others is a life saving skill to have.
- Buy emergency items now – This is basically any item that would be of benefit in a survival situation (tent, bug out bags, flashlights, candles, lanterns, etc.)
- Keep your fuel in your vehicles filled up in case you decide to flee.
- Prepare to protect your family with different security layers. Any type of self defense would be beneficial in a situation such as this. In addition, the family owns firearms, then making sure they are clean and loaded may help ward off unwelcome guests.
- Know your evacuation route and plan before you leave. Having a clear and concise plan will keep you as organized and efficient as possible. In addition, plan for an alternate route. Let’s be honest, in an emergency situation nothing ever goes as planned. Have maps, GPS or compass to assist in guiding you to safety. Try and stay off the major roads as much as possible. This is where many crimes will take place.
- Have a planned shelter to go to. Whether it be a family member’s home, a friend or an out of town relative, make plans beforehand.
- Efficiently pack a 72 hour kit and if you are evacuating in a vehicle, prepare a vehicle 72 hour kit.
- Have extra fuel stored and ready to go. Try to anticipate reasons that you would need to stop the car and prepare for them. Stopping the car makes you vulnerable to the outside and groups that may be around.
- Expect the unexpected and mentally prepare. Survival is 90% psychology. Mentally preparing oneself, as well as staying flexible to the situation will help a person stay focused on surviving.
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