Last month there were wild fire evacuation and this month there are hurricane evacuations. Add to that the possibility of tsunami evacuations and the occasional winter storm evacuation and you see the need to have things ready to go in an instant. Of course we always recommend that everyone have their BOB ready to go, but for friends and family members who think being ready to "bug out" is a bit of the extremist side, make sure they at lease bring the following items:
Cash—there may not be an ATM (or it may not be working) when/where you evacuate to.
Medications—you may not have your prescription on hand or pharmacies may not be open so bring your own necessary meds.
Food and water—when you evacuate, stores may not be open or the place you end up may not have food and water so bring it with you.
Important papers—things such as passports, birth certificates, marriage license, financial document, etc. are necessary to prove who you are and what you own. Bring them with you.
An overnight bag—if you have a hygiene kit and a change of clothes, at least you will be able to clean up after you evacuate; this is a big psychological boost in a trying time.
Communications stuff—a cell phone and a hard copy of your contact information (friend’s and family member’s phone and email contact info).
A thumb drive with all of the contents of your computer backed up on it.
Something to pass the time—playing cards, a book, an iPod, etc.
Emergency supplies—first aid kit, flashlight, emergency blanket, etc.
Any special, hard to replace item—dentures, hearing aids, glasses, nebulizer, etc.
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