As I have opined previously, besides lawyers and politicians most of the nations evils can be traced back to Vermin Yuppie Scum. And where is the place most Yuppies hang out, practicing their Snooty French Sneer and compensating for undersized genitalia by showing off their shiny new cars? Why, Costco, of course. Now, perhaps this isn’t the fault of Costco. Perhaps the good people at Costco were taken over by an advancing hoard of unstoppable evil lemmings. Perhaps the Yuppies drove twice the speed limit ( “It’s my road, peasant, all mine!!” ) swerving ahead of any Ford or Chevy pick-up ( used of course, their kissing cousins the building contractors only buy new pick-up trucks since it is a tax write off and they can fool the unsuspecting that they aren’t part of the evil cabal ) and pulling into the store first, pushing aside the less unfortunate as if their money was somehow less good.
But, it is not to be. The corporate controllers are well aware of the demographic group they are targeting. They want Yuppie mobs to wake up at 10 a.m. after a wicked ten martini hang over, swing by the store quickly to bark at the employees and get a shopping list for the day. They use their Double Secret Entry Pass to get in an extra hour ahead of the great unwashed masses and buy dirt cheap booze and overpriced food. As most have hangovers, the only prices they are concerned with are those where the stop first, the alcohol isle. It must be a loss-leader where Costco gives away the rot-gut at below cost to entice the Rummies into the store. After their hootch selection at happy prices, they finish their shopping not giving a care in the world as to the prices.
A year ago I was awash in filthy lucre and decided I would start buying storage food in bulk. I went down to Costco and spent $50 for a membership card. I made one purchase after carefully looking at all available products. I felt violated. I felt ripped off. I felt as if a grave injustice had been perpetuated upon my person. Costco is, in short, a rip off. If you only buy name brand products, and you buy in bulk at Costco, you will save a little money. If, on the other hand you shop at Wal-Mart and buy generic brands you can actually buy much less in size and still save money. My current job is delivery driver for a food charity. I go around and pick up food donations. The food bank gets its cleaning supplies at Costco. And are they getting ripped off. Even with a discount using a Costco branded American Express card they are paying a premium of 10 to 20% over buying generic. I tried giving them a list of items and the savings but of course, who am I? I’m just a driver. A near minimum wage earner. What the heck do I know?
Don’t get me wrong, I already knew that Costco was a rip off, that’s why I stopped shopping there. I remembered enough prices shopping at Wal-Mart to know Costco was charging way too much. I had thought a non-profit organization would be interested in saving money. But they weren’t. I almost think they are getting a lot of funding from government. Now, I realize that in effect I am comparing apples to oranges here. Why compare name brand to generic? Why indeed. The last time I had a bad experience with generic was when they first got popular in the mid 1980’s. Some items were not even food they were so bad. Now, you can’t tell the difference between name brand and generic. I mean, sure, Trader Joe’s doesn’t compare to Wal-Mart house brand, but for items available in the same store there is often no difference. I fail to taste the difference between Folgers and Wal-Mart brand coffee, and the price difference is substantial.
On some items it is cheaper to buy at Costco. Their twenty five pound sack of pinto beans is about 35 cents a pound, far cheaper than the fifty cents a pound at Wal-Mart. But you would have to buy four hundred pounds just to pay for the membership card. Rice is about the same, as is flour. Meat is about the same but you must buy more at Costco to get the savings. The large rounds of toilet paper are more expensive than the small packs at Wal-Mart. Unless space is at a premium there is no need to buy them ( although, truthfully the price difference is small on this one item ). You save almost half by buying generic disinfectant compared to Pine-Sol. Unless you are buying for a large family while also storing food for your survival group it is a complete waste of money to buy a Costco membership. Just shop at Wal-Mart and buy smaller packages at a cheaper price.
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