Previously I talked a bit about why getting a Job is a huge mistake. In this article, rather than just paying you with more talk, I will actually show you exactly you five near no cost businesses you can start today. What about startup costs? Outside of a possible need for a manual prevent you from making amateur mistakes, you will find that no matter how broke you think you are, these business ideas are so obvious, so logical, that not taking the plunge is just putting your family further into debt and financial jeopardy.
1) Start an office cleaning business - Starting a cleaning business only requires the following: willingness to work hard while working smart, being outgoing enough to meet new people and willing to forget what you think you know about this type of work. With a solid how-to manual in hand, you will find that not only is this business quite lucrative, you can get started easily by simply being willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Have competition? No problem, start off by offering free services for one week - blowing them away with your determination. I have seen this work with friends of mine doing this when they first got started. All you need, is a willingness to get off your butts and earn an honest day’s living.
2) Buying and Selling on Craigslist - Don’t roll your eyes. Here is one of the most brain-dead simple ways to get started with practically no money whatsoever - Garage cleaning services - remove “stuff” no one wants for green. Repair, refurbish and sell whatever you can for your efforts. This entitles you to a never ending stream of customers from which to get free stuff from in addition to an opportunity to have stuff to sell right away. Minimal costs include dumping fees and perhaps a storage unit. Again, don’t kid yourself into believing you will do this type of business without learning ALL of the ins-and-outs of this type of business. While you can fumble along with the points I suggested above, there is a lot more to it as you will discover from this how-to manual. Why Craigslist? Uh, because it is free, local and you will find that you will have a much easier time getting started in this new business with a LOT less money up front. Selling crap is always recession proof - just look at QVC!
3) Teach Technology - News flash for you - despite the dismal outlook on the economy today, the fact is that there are thousands of people who have retirement savings, steady incomes or happen to be self-employed that are willing to pay reasonable fees to learn how to successfully do the following. Setup and use a wifi network, using MS Word/Excel/Powerpoint, use their new HiDef TV (they are still trying with analog cable to get a hi-def picture), getting their CD collection onto their iPod! You get the general idea, I could on about syncing their new blackberry to their Mac/PC, but you can see where this is going. If you have skills in this area - you will find that placing some fliers and ads in carefully thought out locations, in addition to a press release with your local newspaper will get you started faster than you ever imagined.
4) Flipping cars to first time drivers - New car industry in the toilet? Fantastic news for gear heads who have a knack for doing backyard repairs. Despite what most people think about how difficult it is to sell used cars, the truth is that I know of three different people in this state along making bank, during this recession, simply because they figured out the following:
a) Using your mechanic knowledge, spot near junker cars can be refurbished at low expense.
b) Target first time drivers and those who cannot possibly qualify for a new car - provide your own financing..with interest, to be protected by repo rights. Of course, you can still sell these cards outright as well. But it helps to be flexible.
c) Offer tow-away service for free for cars that “appear” to be dead on arrival. As many mechanics will tell you, most people junk cars that can be fixed for a lot less than they are being told at the repair shop. This means free cars in some cases to refurbish, parts cars at worst.
d) Reinvest immediately for the first couple of months if at all possible. Doing this, coupled with targeting teens and the low income crowd will keep things profitable.
5) Blog and write what you know - Legal, medical, home improvement - each of these topics will land you good supplemental income via adsense. Learning to blog is just not that difficult, as there are some great manuals out there…but this is the best I have seen in my time thus far. Startup costs outside of a competent manual to get you going can be zero, when using or Blogger. Also, make sure you eat, breathe and live It will teach you what works and what does not, especially.
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