Store Seeds to Sprout. Why? Check out:
- Sprouted seeds provide lots of LIVE nutrients, vitamins, and minerals as well as enzymes, etc.
- Sprouts are easily digested.
- Sprouts provide good fiber.
- Sprouts provide a fresh crunch to liven up your meal.
- Sprouts are inexpensive.
- Sprouts are fresh.
- Sprouting seeds to eat is easy, taking only minutes a day.
- Special equipment doesn't need to be expensive, and you can use and reuse and reuse.
- BEST: The sprouting seeds store for around a year. You could grow your own, allowing your broccoli or radish (etc) to bolt/go to seed. Gather the seeds, and store in a cool/dry place. If you were locked in a room with your stored supplies, water, sprouting equipment and seeds, you'll get some fresh "vegetables" with your meal. Good idea, huh?
Basic info:
- Buy seeds marked for Only Sprouting. Seeds for growing are often treated with a chemical to speed growing in the garden.
- Seeds to sprout include: beans, broccoli, cabbage, mustard, quinoa, alfalfa, radishes, fenugreek, lentils, peas, and red clover. There are probably more... check out the sites listed below.
- Don't allow the seeds to get too hot or too dry. Store in an area WITH oxygen - if you include an oxygen absorber pack, the seeds will die and won't germinate. Store seeds in a "breathable container".
Equipment needed:
- A wide-mouth jar - quart to gallon size.
- Bowl big enough to fit jar kinda-on its side.
- Netting or screening or tulle from the fabric store (to cover top of jar)
- Rubber band for top of jar to keep netting on.
- Fresh water
- Seeds marked good for sprouting.
- There are also actual sprouting machines, like the Sproutmaster.
Getting started:
- Measure 1-4 tablespoons of sprouting seeds. Place in jar. Cover with netting. Secure with rubber band. Add some water. Swirl it around and drain. Add 1 cup of cool water. Don't drain this - soak for 4-8 hours.
- Rinse 2 times a day. How? Drain initial soak water, refill jar with more cool water. Swirl and drain. Place jar at an upside-down angle in the bowl. Second and subsequent times: refill jar with more cool water, swirl, drain, and prop upside down at an angle in bowl.
- When the sprouts are a couple of inches long, they are ready to eat. Enjoy right away, or store in refrigerator in a covered bowl. Wash out the sprouting jar and start a new batch, perhaps with a different kind of seed.
Here are just a few Sources of Seeds:
This is the last section of "Storing Foods". I'm sure, as we think of more tips, we'll add them. Meanwhile, what are YOUR tips to storing food and providing nutritious meals with variety.Blessings!
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