Salt was so important throughout history that until 100 years ago wars were fought over it. It was the only thing preserving food. And most trade was for food not grown locally. In essence salt was the entire trading economy. It was just as important as petroleum is today. Or housing to the American economy. In the 1600’s in Germany a typical tradesman expected to spend half of his income on food. Housing was cheap compared to food. Salt taxes was the mainstay of government revenue. Of course wars would be fought over something so vital to all parties involved. Just as wars have been fought over oil. As the oil disappears and electric grids fail, salt will once again become very important. It will once again become the main food preservative. And farmers will once again become the new middle class as food becomes more expensive.
Evaporation of salt water will return to favor as the means to cheaply produce salt. If you live near the coast you can mine the sea for cash. If you live near a salt mine that can be productive using primitive production methods you will find yourself in a prosperous region. Just as some areas will be blessed by good farm land that is not dependant on irrigated water, others will be blessed with salt. Others will have clay deposits. Etc. If your area has little or no salt, stock up extensively for yourself. You will need more than the usual table shaker full. Research restaurant supply stores to buy in bulk. Research preservation methods. And containers. Without plastic containers, what will take its place? Plan around that also.
Some areas can produce coffee. Others beef. Some metal. But the common, lowly salt just might trump them all after a large system wide collapse. Centuries of economic behavior prove the importance of salt. Empires went to war over it. Fortunes were made with it ( the cod fish industry for example ). Gandi fought the British Empire over a salt tax ( the march to the sea was to defy the tax ). Certain cities were founded because of the location of salt. Do not underestimate its importance in your plans.
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