I have a saying; those who prepare to survive deserve to survive. If you have the foresight to plan ahead for a possible end of the world as we know it situation, by learning needed survival skills and laying back supplies against the day of need, you deserve to survive. The thing is, a lot of people know of the likely possibility of society breaking down, but are turned off by the cost of laying back needed survival supplies. Should one die simply because of being poor? I think not. I am one of the working poor and some of the best people I have ever met are in the same financial condition.
My own food storage is based on the Mormon plan. The Mormon plan for stockpiling consists primarily of four basic food items: wheat, sugar and or honey, powdered milk and salt. From these four basic ingredients, a wide variety of foods can be prepared. The advantages of this plan is that these four food items are relatively inexpensive, readily available, storage is simple and the wheat, sugar and salt will store indefinitely under proper conditions. If you are as poor as I am but still want to prepare for the worst, then the Mormon food storage plan maybe you best option.
After you get the basic foods (wheat, sugar, powdered milk, and salt) in the needed proportions then it is a simple matter to add other foods as you get the extra funds. Pinto beans, mixed beans, rice, and split peas can be added with little expense and will add a little variety your diet. Just remember to date you beans, peas and rice and replace every two years, because most beans have a shelf life of only about two years. It is best to rotate you stock into your everyday diet and replace used storage foods with new food as it is used, this way you always have fresh supplies on hand.
Hard red winter wheat 400 lbs, powdered milk 75 lbs, granulated sugar 20 lbs, pure unadulterated honey 20 lbs, vegetable oil 5 gallon, dried split peas 20 lbs, pinto beans 20lbs, mixed beans 20lbs, iodized salt 20 lbs, baking powder 5 lbs, 4 #10 cans of powdered potatoes, live dry yeast, and 15 cases of assorted caned meats, soups, fruits, and vegetables. I have also put back a number of different types of herbs and spices, as well as a big bottle of multi-vitamin tablets.
Original: http://thesurvivalistblog.blogspot.com/2007/01/mormon-food-plan.html
My own food storage is based on the Mormon plan. The Mormon plan for stockpiling consists primarily of four basic food items: wheat, sugar and or honey, powdered milk and salt. From these four basic ingredients, a wide variety of foods can be prepared. The advantages of this plan is that these four food items are relatively inexpensive, readily available, storage is simple and the wheat, sugar and salt will store indefinitely under proper conditions. If you are as poor as I am but still want to prepare for the worst, then the Mormon food storage plan maybe you best option.
After you get the basic foods (wheat, sugar, powdered milk, and salt) in the needed proportions then it is a simple matter to add other foods as you get the extra funds. Pinto beans, mixed beans, rice, and split peas can be added with little expense and will add a little variety your diet. Just remember to date you beans, peas and rice and replace every two years, because most beans have a shelf life of only about two years. It is best to rotate you stock into your everyday diet and replace used storage foods with new food as it is used, this way you always have fresh supplies on hand.
Hard red winter wheat 400 lbs, powdered milk 75 lbs, granulated sugar 20 lbs, pure unadulterated honey 20 lbs, vegetable oil 5 gallon, dried split peas 20 lbs, pinto beans 20lbs, mixed beans 20lbs, iodized salt 20 lbs, baking powder 5 lbs, 4 #10 cans of powdered potatoes, live dry yeast, and 15 cases of assorted caned meats, soups, fruits, and vegetables. I have also put back a number of different types of herbs and spices, as well as a big bottle of multi-vitamin tablets.
Original: http://thesurvivalistblog.blogspot.com/2007/01/mormon-food-plan.html
I recommend to those who find it difficult to buy storage food that they simply buy a few extra items each time they go grocery shopping. A few extra cans of tuna or a bag of beans now and then adds up, and it can be done both inexpensively and inconspicuously.