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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Off grid health care

Home medicine cabinets could look like this apothecary shop Having just experienced a nasty medical situation in my household this week, I thought I’d blog about the health care grid…and options for getting off of it, or getting health care if you are not on that grid at all, as too many people are.

For average day-to-day small health problems, there is lots of information on the internet. If you’re interested in time-honoured tips and techniques, you could take a look at My Home Remedies which is kind of like a wiki of things people have done to address everything from toothaches to athlete’s foot. Another great resource is this herbal prescriber database.

For a very broad-based approach, you might want to take a look at Where There Is No Doctor and Where There Is No Dentist . One might hope that you’ll never have a real need to use the information in these most excellent books, but having copies on hand couldn’t hurt anything. There’s also a book called Ditch Medicine, but the validity of the information in it is controversial. Of course, getting current CPR and First Aid training and keeping it up to date would be a first choice. Hesperian’s OnLine Library is also a valuable resource.

In my area, there is a free medical clinic that anyone can go to. I’ve been; they treat you like a person, and are entirely concerned for your well-being. If they cannot meet your needs there, they have referral sources on site for all sorts of things. Free medical clinics can be the difference between being under the weather for a while and having a debilitating condition. If you need them, use them.

What basic resources do you use if you are not operating on the health care grid? Any tips you can recommend by commenting here could keep someone healthier and better able to take care of themselves, their people, and their community. Got a recommendation?


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