I am a reptile enthusiast and have always both loved and respected snakes. Today’s show discusses identification of venomous snakes, avoiding bites and basic first aid. I also am continuing to tell you what our stimulus bill could have been spent on. Don’t forget what these clowns have done, don’t go back to sleep!
Tune in to hear…
- How the new number of 790 Billion could buy a 2KWh Solar System for every owner occupied single family home in America
- The 4 Types of Venomous Snakes Native to North America
- Identifying the coral snake vs king snakes and scarlet snakes
- The story of my Copperhead bite and what it taught me about the “least” dangerous of North America’s venomous snakes
- Why 90% of more of venomous snake bites are completely preventable and not the snakes fault
- How harmless snakes are killed via identification
- What to do when a dangerous snake is in an area where it is not acceptable to leave it alone
- Why making noise won’t scare a snake at all but walking heavily will
- The basic first aid that can be helpful when you get bitten
- When you have to break the rules a bit to save your own life
- A plea to “cure your ignorance” if you believe the only good snake is a dead snake
Resources for Today’s Show
- Good Source on Idetifying Coral, Cottonmouth and Copperhead Snakes along with Several Species of Rattlesnake
- Good list of many species of harmless and venomous snakes form North America with links to pictures from each
- Good article on snake identification and avoidance. - ONE BIG ISSUE, they refer to snakes as “poisonous, no snake is poisonous they are venomous. Venom must be injected. Poison can be ingested or transfer through or onto skin and cause damage.
- The “which snake is a cotton mouth” picture quiz I mentioned in today’s show
- Find every species of snake, venom effects if any and recommended medical treatment
- From the FDA on Snake Bite First Aid
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